“Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”—Jude 3

Vol. I. No. 5                         Los Angeles, Cal., January, 1907                 Subscription Free


We are expecting wonderful things from the Lord for 1907. The closing up of the old year and beginning of the new found us on our knees at Azusa Mission. And as the New Year was announced, such a wave of glory, and divine love and unity came over us. The meeting went on till morning and all the next day. It is a jubilee year. May we all spend it at His feet, learning of Him.

The Lord did great things in 1906. Pentecost first fell in Los Angeles on April 9th. Since then the good tidings has spread in two hemispheres. Many are rejoicing in pardon, purity, and the power of the Holy Ghost. Wherever the work goes, souls are saved, and not only saved from hell but through and through, and prepared to meet the Lord at His coming. Hundreds have been baptized with the Holy Ghost. Many of them are now out in the field, and some in foreign lands, and God is working with them, granting signs and wonders to follow the preaching of the full Gospel.

People all over the land have heard that the oil of the Spirit is being poured out in Los Angeles, and they are coming for oil—coming thousands of miles. And they are being filled with the holy oil, the baptism with the Holy Ghost, and wherever they go, it is being poured out.

From the little mustard seed faith that was given to a little company of people waiting on God in a cottage prayer meeting, a great tree has grown, so that people from all parts of the country are coming like birds to lodge in the branches thereof. (Matt. 13:31-32.) The faith is still growing, and we are still just in the beginning, earnestly contending for the faith once delivered unto the saints.

It is a continual upper room tarrying at Azusa Street. It is like a continual camp meeting or convention. All classes and nationalities meet on a common level. One who came for the first time said, "The thing that impressed me most was the humility of the people, and I went to my room and got down on my knees and asked God to give me humility."

The altars are filled with seekers. Sometimes the meetings go on all night. People are slain under the power of God and sanctified or rise up speaking in new tongues. In the meetings, you see the holy joy of the Lord in the countenances, and people are melted in the presence of the Lord, filled with His praise.

The Lord is graciously healing many sick bodies. People are healed at the Mission almost every day. Requests come in for prayer from all over. They are presented in the meeting and the Spirit witnesses in many cases that prayer is answered, and when we hear from them they are healed. Handkerchiefs are sent in to be blest, and are returned to the sick and they are healed in many cases. One day nine handkerchiefs were blest, another day sixteen. A man came with a broken arm and was healed. The mission people never take medicine. They do not want it. They have taken Jesus for their healer and He always heals.

There is a very sweet spirit of unity among Pentecostal missions in Los Angeles and workers in suburban towns. Every Monday morning, the ministers and workers from these different points meet together for prayer and counsel. The missions in Los Angeles are at 327 1/2 S. Spring, of which Bro. Fisher is pastor; 8th and Maple Ave., of which Bro. Pendleton is pastor; and 1321 E. 51st St., where Bro. and Sister Kent have charge. Workers from Long Beach, Pasadena, Clearwater, Anaheim, and other nearby places also come in. All are in one accord. In our first meeting several messages were given in tongues through our Bro. Post, and interpreted as follows:

"We acknowledge Christ only, His truth, His Word. We must tarry much before Him. We must acknowledge that He is in our midst, walking among the golden candlesticks, pruning, purging. He who moved among the golden candlesticks, is moving in our midst now. We must recognize Him alone as Head over all, and know no man after the flesh. The Spirit of God will teach us, if we keep low in love and humility before Him. Our Lord says, "I smile upon you, when you are seeking My will, My glory only. There must be no glorying in names or orders or systems, only in Myself alone. All fullness is in me, all power is in My Gospel."

We must give God all the glory in this work. We must keep very humble at His feet. He recognizes no flesh, no color, and no names. We must not glory in Azusa Mission, nor in anything but the Lord Jesus Christ by whom the world is crucified unto us and we unto the world.

We stand as assemblies and missions all in perfect harmony. Azusa Mission stands for the unity of God's people everywhere. God is uniting His people baptizing them by one Spirit into one body.


Written after his Pentecostal anointing on the train, by J.W. Ellison, Des Moines, Iowa.

O glorious promise of heaven!
Fulfilled to His people at last;
The tongues of fire have descended,
And sealed us as those in the past.

The Pentecost power is now spreading,
The Bible rings clear as a bell;
The finished work of the Savior,
We now are commissioned to tell.

The touch of the hand brings conviction,
The look of the eye startles sin,
The flood gates of heaven are opened,
And souls are now entering in.

All fear is banished forever,
And sickness and pain flee away,
The touch of Jesus is as powerful,
As it was in that wonderful day.

The union of hearts is like magic,
And bodies are molded like clay;
Souls that are sealed by His Spirit
Have entered the heavenlies to stay.,

Sinners who once have been careless
Have wakened to a sense of their need;
Pentecost surely is spreading,
Regardless of doctrine or creed.

Then glory to Jesus who loved me,
And glory to Jesus who came,
And glory to Jesus who fills me,
And seals with His own precious name.


San Diego, Cal., Jan. 5.

Dear Saints, Greeting!
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you all, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who always causeth us to triumph in every place, and maketh manifest through us the savor of His knowledge.

The dear Lord has favored us with continuous victory, reclaimed, sanctified, and some baptized with the Holy Ghost every week. The interest is increasing, notwithstanding the continuous wet weather. The altar is filled with seekers at most every service.

We have had some marvelous cases where those possessed by the devil have been wonderfully and completely delivered and clothed in their right minds. We wish to note one case in particular for the glory of God and the power of our Lord Jesus Christ.

A man of German birth came in the meetings, a master in Theology and Spiritualism, who claimed he was Christ incarnate – that he was immortal, and had all wisdom and knowledge. The blessed Holy Ghost gave the saints the discerning of Spirits, and they rebuked the devils in him. And the man fell to the floor, trembling from head to foot. The devils were commanded to come out of him in Jesus' name. And immediately he began to confess his sins and crimes, too awful to mention. He continued to pray and call upon God for mercy, and in a few days he found peace. He has since gone on to the cleansing Blood, and has received his Pentecost, and in humility is owning Jesus as his perfect Savior, clothed in his right mind, joyful and happy.

About twelve have received their Pentecost and a number are still seeking. We are praying that the Lord will establish this work as in Los Angeles. This is an open field with virgin soil, and the work is taking deep and firm hold upon the people. Our hearts are burdened for salvation of the people of San Diego.

F.E. Hill


118 Gale St., Akron, Ohio, Dec. 27th.

Since I first heard of the wonderful way God was working in Los Angeles, my heart got hungry. And the dear saints in Akron kept up a steady cry to God day and night for Him to send it this way. And before we hardly knew it, Akron was visited. Glory to God! He sent dear Ivy Campbell here in answer to prayer, and many have received their Pentecost. The altar is more than filled nearly every service. In fact there is hardly a break in the meeting. Some people bring lunches and don't stop to eat them. Some of the sisters sing in tongues like voices from heaven and also interpret some. O, it is wonderful! Many demons have been cast out and the sick are being healed. Glory to Jesus! He is also selecting His missionaries. The meeting runs day and night –sometimes all night.

People come from miles around here and are receiving their personal Pentecost. Bro. McKinney is sending out invitations far and near, and telling how God is visiting Akron, and it brings in the hungry ones. His church doors were opened wide to welcome dear Sisters Ivy Campbell and Hudson from East Liverpool. The meetings have been running over three weeks. The Holy Ghost is the only leader. Praise God!

While some of the prominent ministers are opposing it, yet their hungry members jump over the fence and get to the little mission church and get saved, sanctified, and then receive their personal Pentecost. We are glad God had one humble preacher in Akron who opened wide the door to receive this "latter rain". We are likely just getting the first sprinkling of the great shower that is to come. Praise God!

The burden of everyone that has received their personal Pentecost is "Jesus is coming soon."

Jan. 21, The fire has broken out in Pittsburg too. God is visiting every hungry town and city that will receive Him. The fire is spreading here, in spite of all the water the devil pours on. It seems to act like oil instead of water. Glory to our conquering King!

One of our mothers in Israel has her personal Pentecost and the Hawaiian language. Three Hawaiian boys from Honolulu came to Akron to get work, and God sent them to the Mission, and they said Mother Davis had the Hawaiian language perfectly and interpreted two messages she gave out, which were, "God is love," and "Jesus is coming soon."

Yours in Jesus,
Mrs. Pearl Bowen.


Portland, Ore, Dec. 31st.

Peace from God the Father be unto you and all the saints.

Well, God has stirred up this North till every devil in hell is stirred also.

I finished my work in Salem: was there two weeks. Seven received Pentecost. The saints are in perfect harmony. Students, city officials and the first people of the place heard the Gospel, but as far as we can see now, they have rejected the Gospel. Most of the ones that received their Pentecost are from the little places around, and they have gone home to spread the glad tidings of this precious Gospel. O my heart is so full this morning. Glory! Glory! Glory!

Well, Sister Glassco and three of her children got their Pentecost in Salem. And before they got home, on Christmas, day while Bro. Glassco was preaching, Pentecost fell on the meeting and two spoke with tongues. We had planned to come on Saturday and this was Tuesday. When we got here, three more had received the baptism. We arrived here at noon and went into the meeting at three. The power fell before the meeting was half through and two received Pentecost; at night, two more. Last night Mildred received her Pentecost. The slain of the Lord lay so you can't move about the altar. The altar is full before the meeting is half over. The house is just packed. O if we only had a larger hall. I cannot tell how God is working here.

Now I must tell you about Mildred. She spoke in four tongues and sang so sweetly and interpreted every word. The interpretation of the song was.

"Jesus is calling you, O sinner, come home.
Glory to His name, O sinner, come home."

Then she arose and the crowd was silenced like death. She began to wave her arms and preach in tongues and interpret. Will give you a part of it. "He that comes unto me, I will in no way cast out." (Tongues.) "The Lord has prepared me to preach His Gospel." (Tongues.) "Jesus is coming soon." (Tongues.) "He will take away His bride, one will be taken and the other left."

Jan. 8.—The crowds throng the hall. We have to have a policeman to keep the aisles clear. They tell us throngs of people come and are turned away. The Zion people held a mass meeting Sunday and decided to come in a body for their Pentecost.

O I am so glad He has chosen me. The Lord has healed some bad cases. One woman had epileptic fits. When the devil went out of her, she was so weak she could not stand. A man's hand that was helpless was healed. A woman with her mind almost gone was healed in the hall last night before the sinners' eyes.

Pentecost falls on people when they come the second time to the meeting, sitting in their seats.

I stay in the mission. It's humble quarters, but Jesus is here. Every minute of my time is given to God. I get tired sometimes. Was sent for to pray for a man with a high fever. I prayed before I went, was so tired. Jesus said, "I do the healing." When I got there, Jesus healed him before I laid hands on him. He got up and came to meeting. Oh, I am learning the wondrous secret; it is letting Jesus do the work and carry all the load. Oh I am so happy in His love and service.

People from all over are coming. A young lady came from Albany. She was a sinner and got all, even to her Pentecost, yesterday, in one day. There are 38 now that have received the baptism, eight since Saturday, and this is Tuesday morning.

I hear the work in San Francisco is fine. Souls saved, sanctified and baptized, and the church people coming in. Oh, God is spreading this Gospel in spite of the devil. How glad I am I ever found my way into the dear old mission on Azusa St. Love to all the saints. – Florence Crawford.

215 2nd Ave.


1617 7th Ave., Seattle, Wash., Dec. 21.

May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

We are having some good times, and so far there are about forty-five baptized souls. We had a wonderful service out on Puget Sound and I baptized about thirty, young and old. It was raining and somewhat cold, but the Lord was with us. A little girl about twelve years of age, who had been seeking her Pentecost, got it right there the minute her feet touched the water. The Lord cut her tongue loose, and she spoke all the while going out and coming in. The Lord was with us in wonderful power. O, He is a wonderful Savior. We have been praying for power for two weeks now.

The weather is very rainy here. It rains about six days of every week, but our Father's smile is upon us, and that is better than anything else.

Jan. 7.—In the last few days, the Lord has poured out His Spirit here, and there must be in the neighborhood of about seventy souls that are baptized now.

Yours in Him,
-Thos. Junk and wife.


San Jose, Cal., Jan. 24.

Dear Apostolic Faith:
God our Father has been doing great things for us since we last wrote. We are now worshiping in our own hall. We have a very nicely furnished mission, for which we praise the Lord.

The fire is still falling. Last Sunday we had a wonderful all-day meeting. The slaying power was manifest in a remarkable manner. One lay for hours under the power. A young girl took God at His Word, opened her mouth wide, and the Lord filled it with praises in new tongues

A Mrs. Williamson brought her daughter to the meetings for healing for her eyes, which were very bad. The power was present to heal and the child went home completely recovered. Many others have been healed since the meetings opened. Sister Williamson has received her Pentecost and God has put her in His heavenly choir, to sing the heavenly songs for His glory. She also writes in many languages. She interprets most of the songs that she sings, and when she speaks in tongues, she also interprets.

Several of those who have received their Pentecost have been called to the foreign field to labor for Him. One young woman is making preparations to leave for Hawaii very soon.

I am just holding the fort till my Father sends someone to take charge of the work here, when I expect to leave for a trip around the world, sounding the golden trumpet, heralding the year of jubilee. For the coming of the Lord is near, even at the door. And he wants the heathen nations to hear the glad tidings and be ready for His coming.

I believe this movement is the last call that the world will receive before He comes for His bride. Rev. 19:7, 8. These are the days of preparation. Nahum 2:1-5. The chariots that Nahum saw are the automobiles which we see running in our streets today.

I am anxious to be on the go, for I feel that the time is short. What we do, we must do while it is day.

-H.M. Turney.


Dunn, N.C., Jan. 2.

To the Saints in Azusa Mission, and through all California, greeting in Jesus Name!

O praise Him! It is wonderful. Last week I held a few services in the country in one of the Holiness churches, and two received their Pentecost and spoke in tongues. The languages were as perfect as I ever heard. One was a Sunday school superintendent and the other an elder of the church. I had to leave that meeting to fill my appointment here, but the meeting is still going on there.

This is only the third day, here, and already about ten have received their Pentecost. Five preachers received the baptism and some of them have two or three languages already and can preach sermons and pray in the tongues. The church is filled to overflow and people come from all over the country. Sinners are being converted and others repenting. This town of about 2,500 has never seen Pentecost before, but praise God, it has come and the town is stirred from center to circumference. People have laid aside eating and business to a great extent and are going down before God in earnest. How I praise God for this wonderful salvation. All the signs follow me since I received Pentecost. O let us trust only to the still, sweet voice of Jesus. He does it all. O how I praise God for sending me to Los Angeles, and for you all.

Jan. 17—Our God is fulfilling His promise and His Spirit is being poured out here in Dunn as never before. Many have come from South Carolina and Georgia and have received their Pentecost and gone back, and there some have received the baptism. The fire is spreading. The meeting continues here in greater interest. Nearly every service, someone receives their Pentecost and speaks in tongues. Some of our preachers have preached, sung and prayed in unknown tongues, and without speaking a word of English, have awakened sinners.

Several colored people have received their real Pentecost and speak in tongues. God has wonderfully blest some of the people with the gift of song. One colored sister, a school teacher, received the Pentecost the other night and spoke in tongues for some time. She has manifested a call to foreign fields. All the people of God are one here.

I prayed much that God would give me access to my brethren, and thus I might convince them of His blessed truths. And not one of them has taken issue against me as yet, but come forward and have received their real Pentecost and are going forth in the power of the Lord. Some of the people are getting ready for the foreign fields now. O how I praise God!

Brothers, pray, and spread the tidings around wherever man is found. I may never see you in the flesh any more, but I am coming up bringing in the sheaves.

Many are getting their Pentecost at home and abroad. I go from here to High Point, N.C. Have more calls than I can fill in six months. Your brother and servant of God,

-G.B. Cashwell.


Jan. 17th.

Dear Saints, Greeting!
Left Los Angeles Dec.4, and arrived in Oklahoma just one week later, making a few stops on the way. Quite a number were tarrying and waiting for Pentecost when I arrived, but much had to be done before God could pour out His Spirit. The people had been in much bondage. Eating pork, wearing neckties, drinking coffee, and wearing a moustache were taught to be very sinful, and except you were circumcised to these you were lost.

After about ten days of prayer and holding up the Blood, God began to break them up and they began to beg pardon of one another and their neighbors. And in a short time, in a cottage prayer meeting, God poured out His Spirit in slaying power and nearly all went down, one woman coming through speaking in tongues. God now began to work and souls were saved, backsliders reclaimed, and believers sanctified at nearly every service. The country was stirred for miles around. Some came 100 miles to get Pentecost and healing.

One lady who had been a Free Methodist was reclaimed and sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost. She speaks and sings in tongues. She began to sing at home in tongues, and her husband got under such conviction he could scarcely do his work, and in a few days came to the altar and was beautifully saved. 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.

The Lord told me to move on, last Sunday. Meeting closed Sunday night with many seekers at the altar. The saints will go right on and push the battle.

Jan. 21—Arrived here Friday morning after spending two days in Chicago. Quite a number here are seeking the baptism. We expect great things here. Pray much for me. I can feel it when they pray for me in public. Some time ago in a prayer service, the Lord showed me Bro. Seymour praying for me, and I seemed to be carried away in the Spirit. Under the Blood,

-G.A. Cook,
612 Terrace Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.

Several have already received the baptism with the Holy Ghost in Des Moines, Ia. It was not through anyone sent there, but they were tarrying before God and Pentecost fell.

In Toronto, a number have received the baptism. Bro. O. Adams went there from Los Angeles. He had not yet received his Pentecost, but told them about what God had done in Azusa Mission and other places. They went right to tarrying before God. A company stayed after meeting to pray through and the Spirit fell and three were filled with the Holy Ghost.

We are receiving hundreds of names and addresses for the paper. Please write very plainly. Those who ask for it regularly are enrolled on the books. We are sending out thousands of sample copies to friends whose names are sent in by others. If we do not hear from these, we send only two are three numbers. Please notify us of any mistakes.

If you want to keep fat and filled with the power of the Holy Ghost, live off of the Word.

The Lord is enabling us to publish another issue of 30,000 papers for the fifth number of the Apostolic Faith. He has greatly blest in getting it out. Though it is somewhat late, we trust it will be the greater blessing.

When you were poor and ugly in your own sight, then was the time God exalted and used you, but when you get to be some great Nebuchadnezzar, then God turns you out to eat grass like an ox. Keep little and God will use you.

A baby that accidentally took poison that it found in a bottle in a closet, was healed in answer to prayer. The mother held on to God in agonizing prayer, "Lord, save my baby." The little thing was cold, but the Lord healed it completely.

"The Holy Ghost is blessing us daily, but we must have a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, for there are people in our midst that are praying night and day for a great awakening among the people."

-Mrs. C. A. Roll,
1005 Edwards St., Fort Worth, Tex., Jan.9.

Sickness is all the work of Satan. Sometimes we bring it upon ourselves by overexertion. Sometimes it is permitted of the Lord because of sins of omission or commission. Satan cannot afflict us unless God permits. He has no power over us unless we get on his territory.

Souls are getting the baptism in Clearwater, Cal. Mother Wheaton went down to tarry with them and was baptized with the Holy Ghost and spoke in two languages. She is very happy and filled with the Holy Ghost and God is using her. Bro. McLain writes that there are lots of hungry souls there and the devil is stirred.

Several have written and asked if we received the offerings sent. We can answer that they all came safely, even to some letters that came through the fire in a train wreck and were scorched on the edges and stained by water, but they came safely and money in them. So we see how the Lord takes care of consecrated offerings.

"I received my Pentecost last Saturday morning, 1:15 a.m. Praise God! I am wholly given up to His will. Words cannot express the blessed peace I have in my soul. My soul is filled with His glory. Hallelujah! Praise God for His wonderful Gift to men. We are praying for and expecting 120 Spirit baptized souls to take San Diego for God."

-H. G. Nasen, San Diego, Cal.

"The Scandinavian people here are receiving their Pentecost. I was with them in their watch night meeting. O how God poured out His Spirit on all flesh. Many spoke in tongues and sang the songs of heaven –a heavenly choir. Some fell under the power of God. My soul doth magnify the Lord. He thrills my spirit, soul and body."—Mrs. S. C. Magie, 710 Times St., Ballard, Wash.

A sanctified body is one in perfect health, through faith in God. It does not mean we could not get sick, but we are maintained in health by faith. We do not want to teach people they cannot get sick, because they would think they were infallible creatures. "As the branch cannot bear fruit except it abide in the vine, no more can ye accept ye abide in Me." So we must abide in Christ for health.

In Akron, Ohio, a young man went to the Pentecost meetings and got under conviction through the preaching. And went to the pastor of the First Congregational Church and returned to him $10 that he had stolen about fourteen years before, and promised to pay the rest. The pastor was very much surprised, for the man had been under his preaching for years and never got under conviction. He said, "That kind of religion is loaded with good shot. There are no blank cartridges in it."

Bro. Tom Hezmalhalch has been home to Los Angeles on a visit and we have been feasting together on the good things of Father's table. On his way back to Colorado, the Spirit directed him to stop off at the Needles. Taking the train on Tuesday morning to resume his journey, at four o'clock he passed the train he had taken at Los Angeles for Denver, every car laid in the ditch. By some means they had left the rails. If he had not obeyed the Spirit, he would have been in the ditch and precious souls would have suffered. It pays to know the Lord and obey Him.

How will you miss hell if you stumble over this precious Gospel, if you ignore this Gospel which God has granted signs and wonders to follow? If you grieve the Holy Spirit, and trample upon the Blood of Jesus Christ, how will you miss hell? There is no way for you to escape hell if you reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him, should not perish but have everlasting life. O, my friends, the precious Blood is flowing for you. If you come to Him, He will wash away your sin, and cleanse you from all unrighteousness and carnality, and set up His throne in your heart.

One who received the Holy Ghost baptism in Clearwater, testified, "It was in morning worship. We read a chapter and I wanted to pray but the Lord tied my mouth. The power began to come in waves. The Lord took full possession. I fell over like a dead man. I was dead to the world. I tried to pray while lying on the floor, but when my tongue was loosened, it was in a different language. And O the joy that came into my soul no human tongue can tell. It seemed as if human joys vanished. I talked about half an hour. This is something I never had before. It seemed as if the whole world and the people looked a different color. Jesus had come to me. I can never sing His praises or tell His praises while eternity rolls."

Page 2

The Apostolic Faith

312 Azusa Street

Published by


of Los Angeles.
Subscription Free.


Oh the bliss of that glad moment
When Jesus cleaves the sky!
Then tears and strife and pain shall cease,
Our sorrow turn to joy.

The graves of righteous dead shall break,
And living saints shall rise;
Together we shall mount the air,
And throng the waiting skies.

Clouds of angels shall come with Him.
Oh the rapturous sight!
As Christ descends to earth again
In heaven's effulgent light.

He who came from heaven before
To suffer, bleed, and die,
Now comes in majesty to reign,
The Lord of earth and sky.

The bloodwashed saints in robes of light
With bodies glorified,
With glad hosannas on their lips
Shall then be Jesus' bride.

The cross laid down, our burdens gone,
The crown of life we'll wear,
And standing close by Jesus' side,
His glory we shall share.

The marriage supper shall begin,
The marriage bells shall ring;
Angels and archangels shout,
And help the saints to sing.

The praises of Immanuel
Who died for Adam's race,
Who purchased such ecstatic joys
For sinners saved by grace.

O God, how wonderful it seems
That Thou shouldst deign to call
From out of earth's dark race of men
A bride for Thy dear Son.

Our hearts rejoice to think, dear Lord,
That Thou wilt soon appear,
We read the signs in earth and sky,
And know that Thou art near.

Amen, e'en so, dear Lord, we say,
Come Jesus, quickly come,
And end the awful conflict here,
And take Thy loved ones home.

My brothers, we may hear the cry,
Before this meeting end,
"Jesus is here!" "Arise, my love,
And to thy Lord ascend."

Our prayers shall then be turned to praise,
And faith shall end in sight;
What bliss to see His blessed face!
What infinite delight!
      -Bro. Alfred Beck.


"Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them; but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

"While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight, there was a cry made, Behold the bridegroom: go ye out to meet him.

"Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out. (R.V. Going Out.) But the wise answered saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you; but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

"And while they went to buy the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage; and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

"Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh." Matt. 25:1-13.

You know virgin in the scripture is a type of purity. Christ is speaking in this parable about the church and its condition at His coming. Many precious souls today are not looking for the return of their Lord, and they will be found in the same condition as the five foolish virgins. They started out to meet the bridegroom, and had some oil in their lamps but none in their vessels with their lamps. So when the cry was made to go forth, they were found wanting in oil, which is the real type of the Holy Ghost. Many of God's children are cleansed from sin and yet fight against getting more oil. They think they have enough. They have some of God's love in their souls, but they have not the double portion of it. The thing they need is oil in their vessels with their lamps. It is just as plain as can be.

Dearly beloved, the Scripture says, "Blessed are they which are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb." Rev. 19:9. So they are blessed that have the call. Those that will be permitted to enter in are those who are justified, sanctified, and baptized with the Holy Ghost—sealed unto the day of redemption. O may God stir up His waiting bride everywhere to get oil in their vessels with their lamps that they may enter into the marriage supper. The Holy Ghost is sifting out a people that are getting on the robes of righteousness and the seal in their foreheads. The angel is holding the winds now till all the children of God are sealed in their foreheads with the Father's name. Then the wrath of God is going to be poured out.

"Behold the Bridegroom cometh!" O the time is very near. All the testimonies of His coming that have been going on for months are a witness that He is coming soon. But when the trumpet sounds, it will be too late to prepare. Those that are not ready at the rapture will be left to go through the awful tribulation that is coming upon the earth. The wise virgins will be at the marriage supper and spend the time of the great tribulation with the Lord Jesus. They will have glorified bodies. For we which remain unto the coming of the Lord will be changed in the twinkling of an eye.

Many precious souls believe today that in sanctification they have it all, that they have already the baptism with the Holy Ghost or enduement of power; but in that day, they will find they are mistaken. They say, Away with this third work. What is the difference, dear ones, if it takes 300 works? We want to be ready to meet the bridegroom. The foolish virgins said to the wise, "Give us of your oil." This thing is going to happen. Many that are saying they have enough and are opposing, will find their lamps going out and ask the prayers of God's people. God is warning you through His servants and handmaidens to get ready; but many are going to come back to get the oil from others. Dear ones, we cannot get more than enough for ourselves. You can grasp the saints' hands but you cannot squeeze any oil out. You have to get the vessel filled for yourself. Many are going to be marrying and giving in marriage, buying and selling, and the cares of this world are going to get in the way. Above all, we want to get the oil, the Holy Ghost. Every Christian must be baptized with the Holy Ghost for himself. Many poor souls in that day will be awfully disappointed. May we seek Him today, the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. Now is the time to buy the oil; that is by tarrying at the feet of the Lord Jesus and receiving the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

It seems that people will be able to buy oil during the rapture. It seems that the Spirit will still be here on earth and that they could get it, but it will be too late for the marriage supper. So the Lord warns us to be ready, for we know not the day nor the hour.

Those that get left in the rapture and still prove faithful to God and do not receive the mark of the beast, though they will have to suffer martyrdom, will be raised to reign with Christ. Antichrist will reign during the tribulation and everything will be controlled by him and by the false prophet, when they have succeeded in uniting the whole world in acknowledging the antichrist. Those that acknowledge him will be permitted to buy and sell, but those that stand faithful to the Lord Jesus and testify to the Blood will be killed for the word of their testimony. But by proving faithful to death, they will be raised during the millennium and reign with Christ. But we that are caught up to the marriage supper of the Lamb will escape the plagues that are coming on the earth.

May God fit everyone of us for the coming of the Lord, that we may come back with him on white horses and help Him to execute judgment on the earth and make way for the millennial kingdom, when He shall reign from shore to shore, and righteousness shall cover the earth as waters cover the sea.

That is the time that Enoch prophesied of, "Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousand of His saints," Jude 14. "Then shall the Lord go forth and fight against these nations, as when He fought in the day of battle. And His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives," Zec. 14:3, 4. The mountain shall be parted in two. Then shall the antichrist and the false prophet be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone and Satan shall be bound a thousand years. Rev. 19:20 and 20:2.

We shall be priests and kings unto God, reigning with Him a thousand years in a jubilee of peace. Our Christ will be King of kings and Lord of lords over the whole earth. We shall reign with Him over unglorified humanity. Some will be appointed over ten cities and some over two, and the twelve apostles will be over the twelve tribes of Israel. "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in His throne." Rev. 3:21, 22.



You cannot win people by abusing their church or pastor. As long as you preach Christ, you feed souls; but as soon as you jump on the preacher, you grieve the Spirit. Preach Christ, and you will feed the flock and have fat sheep; but if you get to preaching against churches, you will find that sweet spirit of Christ that envieth not, vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, thinketh no evil, suffereth long and is kind, is lacking and a harsh judging spirit takes its place. If you feed them from Christ, you will find the same Spirit burning in their hearts.

The main thing is, Are you of Christ? It is too late in the day for us to go to work and tear down some other man's building and build up one of our own. The thing to do is to get the truth into the people. The churches are not to be blamed for divisions. People were hunting for light. They built up denominations because they did not know a better way. Now if they want to live in families, let them get the truth. Jesus will settle the rest when He comes. He wants people feeding on Christ and letting the Spirit be their leader. We follow human leaders as far as they follow Christ, but we keep our eyes on the great Shepherd.

We do not have time to preach anything else but Christ. The Holy Spirit has not time to magnify anything else but the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Standing between the living and the dead, we need to so bear the dying body of our Lord, that people will only see Christ in us, and never get a chance to see self. We are simply a voice shouting, "Behold the Lamb of God!" When we commence shouting something else, then Christ will die in us. If Christ be lifted up, He will draw all men unto Him.

When people run out of the love of God, they get to preaching something else, preaching dress, and meats, and doctrines of men, and preaching against churches. All these denominations are our brethren. The Spirit is not going to drive them out and send them to hell. We are to recognize every man that honors the Blood. So let us seek peace and not confusion. We that have the truth should handle it very carefully. The moment we feel we have all the truth or more than anyone else, we will drop.

We must deal patiently with the Lord's people. The Lord shows us in the parable of the ninety and nine, that we should not take the little lamb and beat it over the head; but lift it up into our bosom, just as the Shepherd did. We do not want to stamp out the little spark of life in one of God's weak ones, who has the Blood of Jesus Christ in their heart.

It is wonderfully blessed to receive the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. He sings through you His own songs. It is so sweet when you are lying down on your bed, and the Lord drops a song from Paradise into your heart, a song you knew nothing about, and puts an organ of sweet music into your soul.


Many people today do not believe in an everlasting hell; but we read in the precious Word of God that the Lord Jesus taught it. Lu. 16:19, "There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day. And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate full of sores, and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table. Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried. And in hell he lift up his eyes being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame."

We can see that there is no annihilation in God's Word for the wicked, but there is a blazing and burning hell awaiting them. Their home will be in everlasting flames, where they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. Rev. 20:10.

The Lord says in Matt. 18:8, "It is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire."

Dear loved ones, there is an awful hell. God teaches us in Ps. 9:17, "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." We find the punishment of the wicked taught us from the closed gates of Eden all the way down. He sent fire and brimstone from heaven upon wicked Sodom and Gomorrah, which are "set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire," Jude 7. May God help men everywhere to repent of their sins and accept the precious Blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses from all sin and unrighteousness, that we may enter into heaven where the Lord Jesus has prepared us a home. (He is coming back again, praise His holy name!)

Hell, no doubt, is millions of miles from heaven, but yet the rich man, we find, had good clear eyesight. He had the sense of hearing, taste, feeling, and his memory was perfect. He could recognize Lazarus and talk with Abraham and beg him to let Lazarus come with a drop of water for his tongue. If the doctrine of annihilation were true, then this rich man would have been burned into ashes, and there would be no more of him. But we see in the Word of God, that Jesus taught a burning hell. We see the rich man that had had gold and silver and raiment and sumptuous food, tormented in hell, and his heart's cry was that his brothers might not come to that place of torment.

Many who have preached a no-hell Gospel will find out better when they die and come to the judgment, just as this man died, and in hell lifted up his eyes.

May God help us to turn from sin and wickedness and not try to wrest the Scriptures, but take them just as they are written. This rich man was now a poor beggar in hell. Abraham said, "Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivest thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and thou art tormented."

How we ought to obey the precious words of our Lord when He preached that wonderful sermon on the mount, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul; or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" This man had all the good things of life, and lost his own soul, a beggar in hell. So it is with those that lay up treasures on earth and are not rich toward God. God's words are true and we must receive them.

I am so glad that the Lord has a boundary line between hell and heaven for Abraham said to Dives, "Between us and you, there is a great gulf fixed; so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us that would come from thence." So there is no visitor from hell to heaven or from heaven to hell.

This man may have been like many today that do not believe in everlasting hell, but in the annihilation of the wicked; but he now sees that there is a burning hell. He begged for Lazarus to be sent to his father's house to warn his brethren from coming to that place of torment. Abraham said, "They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them." And he said "Nay, Father Abraham; but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent." And he said unto him, "If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."

Dearly beloved, we have God's Holy Ghost preachers that are testifying to the Blood that cleanses from sin and warning of an everlasting hell. If we will not hear them and accept the words from them, we will ever be lost. The Scriptures teach, "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned."


Hark, the moments they are passing,
Each one counts a brother lost;
Beauty, youth, and age possessing;
Few but seem to count the cost.
All contentment—all are viewing
Sinners straying from the Blood;
Toward death and hell their feet are pressing,
Fighting with a pardoning God.

Oh! how dreadful is their station!
Oh! how low in sin they lie!
Come, my brother, have compassion,
Look upon with pitying eye!
Tell them of a Savior given,
Teach them on the Lamb to gaze,
Turn their thoughts from earth to heaven,
And their lips to speak His praise.

Then arouse, my brother, pray thee!
Let no virtue be at peace;
Come, arouse, we still implore thee,
Let their souls our zeal increase;
Cease from idle contemplation,
Never let the tempter be;
Rest not, till in full salvation
They, unveiled, our Savior see.
      -T. Hezmalhalch.

We have seen missions and churches banded together to stop what they call a "tongues" salvation. But, dear ones, this is not a salvation of tongues, it is in the Blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses from all sin.


Holy Spirit, be my guest,
This my soul's one deep request;
My heart's throne to Thee I give,
Holy Spirit, with me live.

Holy Spirit, this my plea,
Stay forever more with me;
From this hungry heart of mine,
Ne'er withdraw Thy light divine.

Thus for aye my heart would be,
Constant dwelling place for Thee;
Holy Spirit, while I pray,
Come to 'bide with me alway.
      -Sarah J. Stew


1.—The first step in seeking the baptism with the Holy Ghost, is to have a clear knowledge of the new birth in our souls, which is the first work of grace and brings everlasting life to our souls. "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God." Every one of us that repents of our sins and turns to the Lord Jesus with faith in Him, receives forgiveness of sins. Justification and regeneration are simultaneous. The pardoned sinner becomes a child of God in justification.

2.—The next step for us is to have a clear knowledge, by the Holy Spirit, of the second work of grace wrought in our hearts by the power of the Blood and the Holy Ghost. Heb. 10:14,15, "For by one offering, He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified, whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us." The Scripture also teaches (Heb. 2:11), "For both He that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one; for which cause He is not ashamed to call them brethren." So we have Christ crowned and enthroned in our hearts, the tree of life. We have the brooks and streams of salvation flowing in our souls, but praise God, we can have the rivers. For the Lord Jesus says, "He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. This spake He of the Spirit, for the Holy Ghost was not yet given." But, praise our God, He is now given and being poured out upon all flesh. All races, nations, and tongues are receiving the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire, according to the prophecy of Joel.

3.—When we have a clear knowledge of justification and sanctification, through the precious Blood of Jesus Christ in our hearts, then we can be a recipient of the baptism with the Holy Ghost. Many people today are sanctified, cleansed from all sin, and perfectly consecrated to God, but they have never obeyed the Lord according to Acts 1:4, 5, 8 and Luke 24:39, for their real personal Pentecost, the enduement of power for service and work and for sealing unto the day of redemption. The baptism with the Holy Ghost is a free gift without repentance, upon the sanctified, cleansed vessel. II Cor.1:21-22, "Now He which establisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God, who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts." Praise our God for the sealing of the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption.

Dearly beloved, the only people that will meet our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and go with Him into the marriage supper of the Lamb, are the wise virgins-not only saved and sanctified, with pure and clean hearts, but having the baptism with the Holy Ghost. The others we find will not be prepared. They have some oil in their lamps but they have not the double portion of His Holy Spirit.

The disciples were filled with the unction of the Holy Spirit before Pentecost that sustained them until they received the Holy Ghost baptism. Many people today are filled with joy and gladness, but they are far from the enduement of power. Sanctification brings rest and sweetness and quietness to our souls, for we are one with the Lord Jesus and are able to obey His precious Word, that "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God," and we are feeding upon Christ.

But let us wait for the promise of the Father upon our souls, according to Jesus' Word, "John truly baptized with water, but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. * * * Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." Acts 1:1, 5, 8. Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! O worship, get down on your knees and ask the Holy Ghost to come in, and you will find Him right at your heart's door, and He will come in. Prove Him now. Amen.—W.J.S.


"Now concerning spiritual gifts brethren, I would not have you ignorant."

Paul was speaking to the Corinthian Church at this time. They were like Christ's people everywhere today. Many of His people do not know their privileges in this blessed Gospel. The Gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth. And in order that we might know His power, we must forever abide in the Word of God that we may have the precious fruits of the Spirit, and not only the fruits but the precious gifts that Father has for His little ones.

Dearly beloved, may we search the Scriptures and see for ourselves whether we are measuring up to every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. If we will remain in the Scriptures and follow the blessed Holy Spirit all the way, we will be able to measure up to the Word of God in all of its fullness. Paul prayed in Eph. 3:16, "That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height, and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge; that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God. Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us."

Many people say today that tongues are the least gift of any that the Lord can give, and they do not need it, and ask What good is it to us? But by careful study of the Word, we see in the 14th of Corinthians, Paul telling the church to "follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts." Charity means Divine love: without which we will never be able to enter heaven. Gifts all will fail, but Divine love will last through all eternity. And right in the same verse he says, "Desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy," that is to say, preach in your own tongue, which will build up the saints and the church.

But he says in the next verse, "For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue, speaketh not unto men, but unto God, for no man understandeth him, howbeit in the Spirit, he speaketh mysteries, (R.V., hidden truth.) But he that prophesieth speaketh unto man to edification, exhortation and comfort." He that prophesies in his own tongue edifies the church; but he that speaks in unknown tongues edifies himself. His spirit is being edified, while the church is not edified, because they do not understand what he says unless the Lord gives somebody the interpretation of the tongue.

Here is where many stumble that have not this blessed gift to use in the Spirit. They say, What good is it when you do not know what you are talking about?

Praise God, every gift He gives is a good gift. It is very blessed, for when the Lord gets ready, He can speak in any language He chooses to speak. You ask, "Is not prophecy the best gift?" Prophecy is the best gift to the church, for it builds up the saints and edifies them and exalts them to higher things in the Lord Jesus. If a brother or sister is speaking in tongues and cannot speak any English, but preaches altogether in tongues and has no interpretation, they are less than he that prophesies, but if they interpret they are just as great.

May God help all of His precious people to read the 14th of 1 Cor., and give them the real interpretation of the Word. May we all use our gift to the glory of God and not worship the gift. The Lord gives us power to use it to His own glory and honor.

Many times, when we were receiving this blessed Pentecost, we all used to break out in tongues; but we have learned to be quieter with the gift. Often when God sends a blessed wave upon us, we all may speak in tongues for awhile, but we will not keep it up while preaching service is going on, for we want to be obedient to the Word, that everything may be done decently and in order and without confusion. Amen.



"Wherefore Jesus also that He might sanctify the people with His own Blood, suffered without the gate. Let us go forth therefore unto Him without the camp, bearing His reproach." Heb. 13:12, 13.

Many Christians have never been nailed to the cross outside of the city. They know what it is to be born in the city, but they have never gone outside the gate bearing His reproach. We see the need of a crucified, sanctified, holy life that we might be one with Christ Jesus; but we will never get it in the city, that is, without crucifixion. In the city, there is pride, fame, and honor; but outside the gate, on the cross, hangs our Saviour, who is despised and dishonored, rejected of men. It was there He suffered to sanctify His people. The crown of thorns was put upon Him in Pilate's judgment hall and His back marked with the stripes, and the Blood dripped all the way to the cross, so the way is marked for us by His Blood.

In the city, we find people with conversion. But you must come out of the worldly church today, into some little cottage prayer meeting or mission to get sanctified. There are few church members that will stand up straight for sanctification. There were few synagogues that would receive Jesus. He preached from a boat on the sea, and when there was not room for the crowds there, He went out into the mountain.

The old man of sin must be slain and Christ must be enthroned in our hearts. Then we are prepared to receive the precious gift of the Spirit. The reason so many cannot see it is because it is so plain and simple. It takes a simple person to believe the Word and stand on it, and look up into Father's face and claim His promise through Jesus Christ. The way is so plain that a wayfaring man though a fool, need not err therein.


People may say it is no language the Spirit is speaking through you. It matters not what they say. They do not know, any more than Belshazzar knew about that hand writing on the wall. It took God to interpret that. The natural man cannot understand the secrets of God. It takes a born child from heaven to understand. Bless God. He has taken this out of the king's hands. The devil is shut out of the mysteries of God. He can be a clairvoyant, a Spiritualist, a hypnotist and understand all the works of darkness, but in Divine miracles he is a fool. It took Daniel to receive the interpretation of the writing on the wall. The wise men were dumb.

It took one who walked with Jehovah to interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The astrologers said that no one could show the king's matter but "the gods whose dwelling is not with flesh." But Daniel's God could interpret. He is His own interpreter today. Leave it with him. The Lord is giving many the interpretation of what they speak.

You do not have to strain to interpret. You do not use your mind at all. The Lord God uses your vocal organs and the words come out without your having anything to do with it. When God is speaking, no flesh can take a part in it. Often the Lord sends someone that understands the tongue to verify the interpretation.

When we are speaking in unknown tongues and no one comprehends or interprets, it is speaking in communion with the Lord our God and it is joy and happiness to our soul. Others cannot understand but in the Spirit we speak mysteries. But when we interpret, it is edifying to the whole body. "Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue, pray that he may interpret." 1 Cor.14:13.

Someone says that it takes little "thimble-brained" people to accept this Gospel. We have so much unbelief—been fed upon it and saturated in it—that we must be emptied out before we can be filled. The one that does not know any more than just to believe God, gets down and takes Him at His Word and the witness comes that the Blood of Jesus does save, and sanctify from all sin; and he takes the promise of the Father, the baptism with the Holy Ghost and receives the Bible evidence of that. It is now as in the time of Christ, “the common people heard Him gladly.” The Greeks required knowledge and the Jews a sign, but the simple hearted people just believed Jesus. The Lord has such people today that are following the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. May God help us to humble ourselves. "Whosoever shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

page 3



Bro. and Sister Batman, Bro. and Sister Hutchins and sister Lucy Farrow sailed from England for Monrovia, Liberia, Africa the latter part of December. The rest of the party were bound for a station further south, so they were to take the steamer "Guelph" a few days later. They are Bro. and Sister S.J. Mead and Bro. and Sister Shideler. Their address is Lincoln Station, Caconda, Benguela, Africa. They were so busy packing and getting off that they had not much time to write. They expected to be about three weeks on the way. We are looking for regular reports from them.

They write, "Pray for us, dear ones, as we reach our field of labor. We overcome through the precious Blood. May we all keep humble and filled with the Spirit. We must now say goodbye, but we are not far separated in Christ."

We must not forget these dear ones that are one with us and a part of the body in dark Africa. We must pray for them. Offerings will be gladly forwarded them from Azusa Mission or you can send post office money orders direct. Be sure to put five cents in stamps on letters to them, or ten cents if they weigh over half an ounce.


Liverpool, England, Dec. 16.

I write to let you know something of the way the Lord has been dealing with us on the way.

We held a meeting in New York lasting almost two weeks and had the pleasure of seeing many sanctified and quite a number receive their Pentecost. One dear sister who had been seeking for a number of days began to sing and sang almost an hour and her husband spoke in a tongue which sounded like Hebrew. Another brother was hugging him and he began to speak in the tongues and they conversed in this tongue for a while.

A wealthy lady was sanctified and received her Pentecost in a short time, her servant was seeking, and just as her mistress jumped up, she too was on her feet and the two began to praise God together and speak in tongues, bless God forever. The same night, a friend of this lady went to her home and during a night of prayer, she laid hands on the brother and he received his Pentecost and began to speak with tongues and glorify God.

When we went to the steamer, a large number of the saints gathered and we had quite a time saying good-bye to all the dear ones. We realized we were blest by meeting them. May God continue to use them in the future as He has in the past.

We arrived here yesterday morning safely and shall stay until the steamer sails for Africa next Saturday. We have held a service for natives of Africa. He careth for us faithfully day by day.

Yours in Christ.
-Mrs. J.W. Hutchins, Monrovia, Liberia, Africa.


Testimony of Mrs. Myrtle K. Shideler written in New York on her way to Africa. Her address now is Monrovia, Liberia, Africa.

I felt led to write out my full testimony to leave before we go on our way. I have been quite well known on the coast in Christian work, in Penal Mission and church work, so I believe it will glorify God if some of it goes into print. As you think best, however. It is principally for the saints there, that they may know that Pentecost has really come to my soul, as we step out for dark Africa.

About one year ago, God began showing me Africa and the great need of her perishing millions, and my heart burned with the desire to go. (Since God for Christ's sake cleansed my heart from all sin nearly twelve years ago, I have never been comfortable when out of active service for God.)

We came in touch with Bro. and Sister Mead about this time, and they were able to tell us all we asked about Africa, as they had spent 21 years there, and expected to return, and were praying to God for a young couple to take back with them to the work there. We were very much united with them in spirit from the first. They lived in Los Angeles and were able to attend the meetings at Azusa Street, and wrote us of them at our home in San Diego. We had been warned against the meetings as wildfire and fanaticism; but when we saw for ourselves, we recognized the work of God, and our hearts began to hunger and seek. We both received much light and blessing at that time, but our work hurried us away and we went without having received the full Pentecost.

Shortly before we arrived in Kansas City, when I was having a season of quiet, the Lord revealed very clearly to me that pride was not all out of my heart, and let me get something of a view of Jesus' meekness and humility. Then my heart was so filled with sorrow, and I cried out for forgiveness. I could feel the warm flow as of blood, trickling down inside. This lasted for some moments and I was melted in love and meekness and humility from Jesus, and could truly cry, "I am willing to be counted as filth and off-scouring for Him."

After we arrived in New York City, I felt led to give my testimony in a little mission meeting at 351 N. 40th St., and speak of this blessing. The meeting had been planned by man, and I did not see how I should be given an opportunity, but promised God if He would make an opening and give me power to tell it to His glory, I would do it.

We were on our knees in the opening prayer, as God was speaking to me, and as I said I would, the vision of Jesus came upon me with four-fold power, and the little chorus went ringing through my heart:

"Jesus' blood covers me,
I was blind but, hallelujah, now I see."

I was tremblingly looking for an opportunity. A brother had been appointed to read the Scripture and preach after the prayer; but as we rose to our feet, someone started to sing a chorus and I felt it was my time, so got to my feet, thinking I would take just as much time as possible. By the time the chorus ended, the power of God was so heavy upon me, I could scarcely open my mouth, and every fiber of my being was trembling. Yet my feet felt glued to the floor and my knees stiff, so I could not sit down. I only got out a few broken sentences that I remember. (I never fainted in my life and was never unconscious, but God certainly took me out of myself.) He showed me things which there are not words enough in the English language to express. I do not wonder we need to cry "O for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer's praise." The room and the people were hid from my senses and vision, and JESUS walked in regal majesty, and His whole being was inexpressible and unutterable LOVE. O His walk! His Kingly brow!! Yet such sorrow and love. It seemed I was not worthy to so much as stoop and touch the hem of His beautiful garment, and yet I knew that He would clasp me to His bosom.

He seemed to change His countenance from time to time. Sometimes it was as He went up the rough path to Calvary, marred with the thorn crown, and such marvelous pity and sorrow on His face. Then it was the calm, majestic face of Him who conquers. My soul could only cry, "See how He walks and O how He loves." I can never explain it—words fail. I know all the dear ones know, who have their Pentecost.

I do not know how long I stood and praises to God just burst from me. They tell me I sang in a tongue. I was not conscious of singing at all. From seeing others under the power, I had thought it must be a terrible nervous tension, but it was the most perfect surrender and relaxation. The leaders of the mission had not seen the power of God in this way, so an interruption was allowed to come in, which grieved the Spirit so He did not have His way fully after that, though I was under the power the remainder of the meeting, and for three days was as one drunken, and had no sense of either hunger or thirst.

Since then, such waves of power roll over me from time to time. I can scarcely keep my feet, and I am sure if my old friends in California could see me, they would think I was indeed insane. Bless God! How I would love to shout the praises of my God and King among them! Night before last, a whole sentence in an unknown language came spontaneously from my lips, as I was dressing for the meeting. It came after a season of deep abasement of soul—a sense of such great unworthiness. I never dreamed that human beings could have such blessings as this Pentecost brings. Jesus promised it all, but I was so blind. His precious Blood bought all for my soul. Glory! Glory! Glory! to my God and King!

-Myrtle K. Shideler.


48 Skofde, Sweden, Dec. 15th, 1906.

Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.

I am longing to be with you all but God is still the same here. Praise His name! I am kept by His mighty power and I am growing in grace every day. I have been testifying in houses, so you can see that the door is open and people are hungry for more of God. Glory to His name!

I like to see sinners saved from their sins, but these Christians must be right first and filled with the Spirit. I think God will grant us an outpouring of the Spirit in Sweden soon.

My heart is still burning and the Lord has been teaching me many things, even giving me more holy boldness. I do not know how to give praises unto God for His goodness and mercy to me. Glory to Jesus for evermore!

I am stirred in my spirit to see so many play Christian. I am tempted very hard sometimes of Satan, but God is giving me grace to stand. So I have full victory and I know He is able to take me through. I am praying every day for the Lord's work in Los Angeles and other places, and I am thinking much about you all. I would like to be in California, but the Spirit says that I have some more work on the other side of the sea. I hope you are praying for me. This is not Azusa Street Mission here, but I am praying that the Lord would grant us fire from heaven and give life to half-dead Christians. Bless the Lord forever.

I have something to tell you. The Lord's Holy Spirit says that the evil one, or Satan, is trying to get in among you in the meetings very hard, and that the saints of the Lord have to pray him out now before it is too late. Payer is victory. I am waiting for something wonderful to come, a world-wide revival soon, beginning from west and going east.

Please tell the saints of the Lord that Christ is coming soon and that the time is very short. Jesus is looking for His bride, a few out from the body, the church, the chosen ones, the first fruits to God and unto the Lamb, the wise virgins who have oil in their vessels with their lamps.

I am waiting on the Lord. I have need of more of Him. My mother and many others do not understand me at all. But bless the Lord, I have found a few on the Lord's side, and the Lord knows me and is with me every day, glory to His name. I was praying one day upon my face and my mother looked in at the window of my room and she got almost afraid for me and asked me what I was doing so far.

Remember, dear ones, that we are servants to a great Master and have very much to do in a short time. May the Lord of heaven give me boldness to stand up for our King wherever we go. We have nothing to be afraid of, so let us get a new hold in faith in God, and get on our faces. Tell all the dear saints the same. It is of no use at all to look upon one another or wait upon somebody. It is now that we must fight for our King, because we are not of this worldly kingdom but of the heavenly. Praise God!

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Yours in Christ.
-A.G. Johnson.

It was not till Jesus received His baptism that He met His greatest temptations. The more spiritual we get the more subtle are the temptations of the enemy, so the greater need we have to get deeper into the Word of God. Some have thought that the people who get the Holy Ghost baptism do not need the Bible, but that is the greatest lie of the devil. Always keep in the Word. The deeper we get into the mysteries of God, the more we need the Word. The way people get into fanaticism is to put aside the Word and go to following the Spirit. If you do this, you will get full of spirits—you will get into Spiritualism. But if we keep close to the Word of God, there is no danger of going into fanaticism.

The devil hates the spiritual body of Christ as much as he hated the literal body. He thought he had killed Christ when he killed His body, but, hallelujah, he did not do it. Christ arose on the other side of the cross and we affirm that He is alive and does save, sanctify, and baptize with the Holy Ghost. We are also seeing His promise fulfilled in some of the persecutions that attend the preaching of the full Gospel.

This Bible becomes a new book to those baptized with the Holy Ghost. You absolutely lose your own judgment in regard to the Word of God. You eat it down without trimming or cutting, right from the mouth of God. You live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.


Jan. 8th.

I reached the Needles on Saturday, Jan. 1. Found dear old friends there, working in their beautiful little mission house among the Mojave Indians for our dear Master. God is acknowledging their efforts and saving precious souls.

I went with our dear brother to visit the Indians in their homes. The Mojave tribe is fast dying out. No wonder. Because of an old superstitious practice, they have no desire to improve their condition. But when they get converted, they at once begin to clean up and build themselves homes, and cease from the evil practices and habits of the tribe life.

When a relative dies, they burn everything that belongs to that house as well. They used to kill the relatives’ horses and cattle, roast them, and have a great feast; but the government stopped that. They do not bury their dead, but burn them, and dig their ashes into the ground.

When they become Christians, they are true to God, for they despise hypocrisy. If they fall from grace, they acknowledge it, and usually confess it openly.

On Sunday afternoon, we had over thirty Indians in the Mission besides the white people. It was a blessed time. While the Indians were testifying in their own language, and some in English, the dear Lord wonderfully blest our souls, and the Holy Spirit witnessed with power through all who took part. The interpretation by some of the Indians is as marvelous as the Holy Spirit speaking through others in tongues.

The evening meeting was a wonderful demonstration of the Holy Spirit's leading, to all present. The converted Indians have a better knowledge of what the baptism with the Holy Ghost is, than their teachers do. Our Indian brother George rose and interpreted into their own language what we had said. It was a wonderful manifestation of the Holy Spirit. The correct continuance of thought given, was too correct to be simply the work of a retentive memory.

While another Indian brother was preaching in the Mojave language, a sister asked me if I understood it. I told her I did. She said she thought so, for God had revealed to her the truth that the Spirit had given me a most wonderful understanding of what they all said. Their language is fully two thirds demonstrative, mostly in the features and pointing with the fingers or hands, one being as significant as the other. The simple knowledge of what a word means is not enough. The pointing of the finger or movement of the body or features, gives the same word an entirely different meaning. This is because their language contains very few words. But when they speak the words, God, Jesus, or Holy Ghost, it is with such reverence that would put many a white person to shame.

The Indian preacher in his own language said, "When God-Father forgive you all your wrong doing, through God-Jesus, you have first make Indian (yourself) all naked from wrong. Then God-Father forgive. But you no naked in heart. God-Holy Ghost no occupy till Jesus make naked in heart, (pointing to a picture of Jesus on the wall, every time he mentioned His name.) Then (going through an imaginary performance of stripping himself naked, beginning at the head and ending with his feet), he said, "As you make naked outside, God-Jesus make Indian naked inside heart from the devil, (slapping his side with the hand flat and fingers spread apart.) God-Holy Ghost no live where devil live. God-Holy Ghost, God-Jesus, and God-Father and me occupy my heart alone. Then God-Holy Ghost talk through us to all the Indians in the mountains, like Holy Ghost talk through that brother, (for the Holy Ghost had spoken through me in three languages, giving the interpretation after each one.) And God-Jesus make all Indians in mountains, and us, and these, and these all big Holy Ghost tribe."

There are thousands of Indians of different tribes in the mountains, and he meant they, and themselves, and the white people, and a colored brother, pointing to each of us, would, by the Blood of Jesus Christ, be made one great spiritual family. Tell me, my brother, can you have a better understanding of the two works of grace and the baptism with the Holy Ghost? I ask who taught this people the truth? For all the ministers here are teaching that you receive the baptism with the Holy Ghost when you are justified. It is none other than the Holy Ghost Himself who came for that very purpose, and will not let the true and innocent be deceived.

One of the Indians came to me and said, "Bro. Tom, we understand you, and we want you to pray for us every day, that we may have the baptism of the Holy Ghost, as God wants us to have Him." They do not call the baptism a blessing or "it" but express it in their own tongue as "God-Father, God-Jesus and God-Holy Ghost coming to occupy your own heart forever."

I told their teachers, if God had given them the same power to understand what they were saying as He gave me, they would hang their head with shame, for the Indians knew more about the truth than they did. One dear, honest soul with tears said she knew it and did not know what to do. I told her if she would only keep her covenant with God that she made that night after the meeting, He would not only baptize her with the Holy Ghost, but would witness through her of the wonderful works of God in Christ Jesus to every tribe, in their own language; and if she did not, God would remove their bishopric, and give it to one who knew Him in His fullness. For the cry for help from these different tribes among the mountains has gone up to our Heavenly Father, and He will answer it, for someone will obey Him and go. God will satisfy the longing of these precious souls, and they shall be filled with the knowledge and love of God as it is in Jesus Christ.

Dear saints, will you pray for God to equip some one or more to go into this most wonderful field at our own door? It is foolishness to think God cannot fit up those He sends out to preach His Gospel, with every material and ability to accomplish His will.

Yours, T. Hezmalhalch.

Many people claim to be saved from hell but not from sin. A good many are preaching that kind of salvation. They preach the fire all out of hell, but it is still there. We preach it is a lake burning with fire and brimstone, "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." The only salvation is through the blood of Jesus that cleanses from all sin. It will save you throughout eternity. Christ has conquered death and hell.


One of the most remarkable features of this Apostolic Faith movement is what is rightly termed the heavenly anthem. No one but those who are baptized with the Holy Ghost are able to join in—or better, the Holy Ghost only sings through such in that manner. Hallelujah!

"I have heard and understood both in the Gujerathi and Hindustani languages, the singing of different psalms and other portions of the Holy Scriptures. The singing is done in various foreign languages."—Geo. E. Berg, Hermon, Cal., former missionary to India.

On Sunday night, Dec. 9, a sister sang in the Gujerathi language of India, the first four verses of the 8th chapter of Solomon's Songs. It was a song such as a bride might sing of the bridegroom. "Awake not my beloved." It was most blessed and beautiful to notice as the Holy Spirit sang through the dear sister; it brought a great wave of heavenly fire and blessing to those present.

Again a beautiful song was sung in tongues: "Hosanna to the Son of David; Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest." (Matt. 21:9). This was the greeting given our Saviour at His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The brother who understood the language said in the foreign tongue it was the sublimest poetry. At the same time, the room was filled with the glory of God.

We afterward learned of a remarkable coincidence. The same song was being sung at the Pentecostal Mission at 327 1/2 S. Spring St. and was interpreted there the same. The saints worshiping in these two places were in perfect harmony of spirit, and the Holy Ghost witnessed to it.

At the all-day meeting on Christmas, a day never to be forgotten, we had a Christmas carol in tongues. It began with one voice, just as on Bethlehem's plains, and a chorus of voices joined in. It was interpreted by one who knew the language: "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will to men." This was very sweet and heavenly. It followed the reading of the Scripture.

People are melted to tears in hearing this singing. It is the harmony of heaven and the Holy Ghost puts music in the voices that are untrained.


Our little girl Myrtle was recently taken with a severe cold and sore throat and had every symptom of scarlet fever. She knows the Lord, having been saved three years ago and has received the baptism with the Holy Ghost and speaks with tongues.

During a season of prayer on Tuesday evening, Dec. 18th, all the family, papa, mamma, Herman, and four-year-old Ruth laid our hands on her head and each one prayed for her healing. A wonderful spirit of song came upon us. The Spirit sang the songs of Zion through our lips. During this season of song, my little girl sat on a chair with her eyes closed; and when the song stopped, she said, "O papa, I have seen Jesus." And then she told the following vision:

"I came to a city of many streets. There seemed to be a division in the city, there was a narrow street that separated. On one side the streets were clean and paved and the buildings were of marble and strong, and there was a car there with the words on the front, TO ZION. On the side of the car was TO THE BEAUTIFUL CITY OF GOD. On the dirty street was a dirty car, and on the front was TO HELL. On the side was GOING DOWN.

"After I got on the clean car, I went to the conductor and asked him if I could go over to the unclean car, and the car was stopped and I went across with others, and we took five apiece off from Satan's car. And when they came across the line from the unclean street to the clean, their garments and faces became clean. And when we came to the white car, the car expanded itself to make room for all that came.

"I saw the car the devil was on, go down into a dark abyss. Then our car stopped and we all went over to where this car disappeared. Jesus spoke and a great grate of iron came and then a great stone, and stopped up the mouth of the abyss so that Satan could come out no more.

"As the car went on, I saw that everything was beautiful. The mists rolled away. Beautiful flowers appeared.

"When we arrived at the beautiful city of God, there were lovely homes given to us. And after we were there long enough to get adjusted, we went to visit the Palace of the King. I saw Jesus on a throne made of diamonds and pearls. He was dressed in shining raiment, sparkling in every color.

"A beautiful Christmas feast was spread on tables. The cloth on the tables and the food was beautiful. The walls of the room and the carpet on the floor shone with beautiful colors. I looked in a mirror and saw I was clad like the angels. I saw my father and mother and brother and sister coming in, and their clothes were transformed like the rest. The molding around the room was decorated with holly, most beautiful to behold. Jesus called attention to me and said, 'Do you see that little girl down there?' Their eyes seemed to look clear through me. Then he said, 'This girl was very sick and had faith and I healed her.' And all the host sang a most beautiful song of praise. Then Jesus took us and showed us all around. When we came out, He had a beautiful chariot ready to take us all back to earth."

-E.K. Fisher, Glendale, Cal.
Lock Box 145.
(Bro. Fisher is one of the pastors of Pentecostal Missions in Los Angeles, at 327 1/2 S. Spring St.)


We read in the Word of God, (Eph. 5:25-32) "Husbands love your wives, as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it, that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word: that He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife, loveth himself. For no man yet hateth his own flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church. For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh."

The Lord says, "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." In regard to the divorce question and remarriage, we believe simply what the scripture teaches all through the Bible. "Thou shall not commit adultery." According to Rom. 7:2,3. "For the woman which hath a husband is bound to the husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband; so that if while her husband liveth, she shall be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress; but if her husband be dead, she shall be free from the law of her husband, so that she is no adulteress though she be married to another man."

1 Cor. 7:39, "The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth, but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will, only in the Lord."

Now this is to the church that is under the Blood. People that are not under the Blood, go to the law and get divorces, because they are under the law. They are living after the flesh, but we are under grace.

1 Cor. 7:10, shows that if there should be any separation with any of God's people, they are not entitled to marry again, so long as the man or wife lives. "And unto the married I command, yet not I but the Lord, let not the wife depart from her husband; but and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband, and let not the husband put away his wife." So that is the Scripture.

O how careful we ought to be in homes, among families to teach plain Bible doctrine. Many homes today have been wrecked and brought to naught through false teaching. Wives have left husbands and gone off, claiming that the Lord has called her to do mission work, and to leave the little children at home to fare the best they can. And they will take this Scripture to back it up, Luke 14:26. "If any man come to me and hate not his father and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." So they will stand upon that Scripture and say God means for them to hate their children and husband, and go off and try to save somebody else's home, or the heathen, when their own home needs to be saved. May God help us and give us wisdom, for He is not the author of confusion but of peace.

Many precious husbands have left their wives and children at home, and their wives are working hard to support the little children, washing, ironing, scrubbing, and farming, while their husband is claiming to be doing missionary work, and saying the Lord gave him that same Scripture in regard to forsaking. They take it for granted that the Lord does not want them to be bothered with their families. But in the Bible we read, "A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach. One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity. For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?" How can such a man teach a family and bring peace in homes, when he himself is not at peace in his own home? How can he train other people's children to love God, when his poor little children are looking out for papa, and he never sends anything home to the little ones? O may God give us wisdom and understanding in His precious Word. Please read I. Tim. 3, all the way through, also I. Tim. 5. This does not mean to the man only but also to the woman, for they are both one in the Lord.

Dearly beloved, let us respect homes and families. There are many precious souls today just ready to run away from their homes. They do not want to make home tidy and care for the children, and prepare for their husbands. May God help us to obey all His commands. Luke 14:26, is not teaching desertion. Wives love your husbands. Husbands, love your wives. We are not to desert our dear children and precious wives and precious husbands; but to let nothing get between us and our Christ. Many who have had a beautiful experience of sanctification, have allowed their baby or husband to become an idol between them and their God, and have hindered the blessed Holy Spirit, so the Lord is teaching us to Love Him with all our heart. Many believe the Lord taught desertion. Praise God, He never did come as Christ and God to break up homes and families. When we get saved and sanctified and baptized with the Holy Spirit, then our mission station begins at home and with family prayer, until one by one the members of the family receive the Lord Jesus. We have seen this so much since God has poured out His Spirit. So many sons and daughters, husbands and wives have been brought to Christ, and many homes are saved through and through, and all are one through the Holy Spirit. Husbands respect their wives, wives respect their husbands, sons and daughters respect father and mother. Bless His holy name.

It is no sin to marry. "Marriage is honorable and the bed undefiled, but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge." Heb. 13:4. There are those today in the marriage life, since they have received sanctification and some the baptism with the Holy Ghost, who have come to think that it is a sin for them to live as husband and wife. Jesus said, in Matt. 19:5-6, "For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they twain shall be one flesh. Wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh." Dearly beloved, we cannot get outside of the Word. Paul writes a letter to the church on this subject in 1Cor. 7. It is a letter that teaches husbands and wives how to live. Many precious souls are in great bondage and need the precious Word to unloose them. If we are governed by His Word, there will be peace, joy, and happiness in our homes, and they will be heaven on earth. We find in the Corinthian Church, when the Spirit of God was being poured out, many thought it was a sin to live with their husbands and with their wives, and Paul had to teach them in 1. Cor. 7. 11, "I say therefore to the unmarried and the widows: it is good for them that they abide even as I. * * And to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord, let not the wife depart from her husband."

Dearly beloved, we that are preparing to meet our Lord, to be His bride, the Lamb's wife, ought to live in the Scriptures, cleansing ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

The Lord not only sanctifies the soul but the body. Every sanctified soul may have a sanctified body. The blood can be purified from hereditary diseases and your body made a pure, holy temple for the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit. We do not need to die of disease or sickness. You cannot find it in the lids of the Bible that the Lord has to go to the devil to help take His children to glory. He sanctifies from inherited disease. God never put the poison into the child in inherited sickness. No, it was never God that did that. It comes under the head of works of the devil which Jesus came to destroy.

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Music to which this song is sung, was composed by little Mildred Crawford, and as she played the piece on the piano, Sister Rees sang the words to it for her, composing as she sang in the Spirit.

Oh! my Heavenly Father,
Till life's storms are past,
Guard and guide Thy little one
Through each dreary blast;
Trials and strife do toss me,
And dark does seem the road,
Without my loving Savior,
Who'll carry all my load.

Chorus—Blessed, blessed Savior,
Hear me while I pray;
Ever keep me near Thee;
Lead me all the way.

If I'm true and steadfast,
And put my trust in Thee,
Thou'rt faithful who hath promised
Thou'rt all in all to me.
By Thy Holy Spirit,
Thou dost make me free;
I'll ever love and serve Thee,
Through grace in liberty.

Precious Lord, I thank Thee
In fullness of my heart,
For the peace, the joy, the gladness
Thy Spirit doth impart.
Oh! may I never falter,
But ever faithful be,
Obedient to Thy mandates,
Who gave Thy life for me.

Accept me oh! my Savior,
And now in me fulfill,
Thy needful preparation
To do Thy holy will;
And when at Thy appearing,
To claim Thy bride to be,
Oh! may I reign with Thee, Lord,
Throughout eternity.
      -Castilla Rees,
1374 5th Ave., Oakland, Cal., Dec. 2


Jan. 16th.

Our hearts rejoice beyond measure for the privilege of witnessing the marvelous outpourings of God's love and power at Pueblo. The people were very much bound by the adversary, but Monday night was the most glorious time the dear souls ever saw for liberty and victory.

All felt the power and presence of God in the very first hymn. Before singing the second verse, I said, Let us now tell the Lord, "We will give Thee full liberty of our hearts." We did it, and after a few minutes upon our knees, the blessed Holy Spirit descended upon us and took us and the meeting completely under His own control. It is simply impossible to describe what followed. Liberty and victory was the shout of triumph over and over again, until several received the baptism with the Holy Ghost, and others who were seeking for sanctification and baptism and did not get through, were encouraged to go on until they had the victory.

The Holy Ghost was pleased to work through a little girl, pleading in a strange tongue for every soul in the hall. The tears streamed down her face, portraying great agony of soul. As I went toward her, I shall never forget the power I felt when about two feet from the child. I felt as if batteries of mighty power had seized my body and the whole was one great reservoir of electric forces. The sympathy for others that was in that child's soul came into mine, and the tears gushed from my eyes, and my soul began to cry out for others. Others had the same experience, especially Bro. Thomas, who said it was the great day of his life. The song of praise and victory was everywhere in the room, going from heart to heart, until the whole was one "Bethel" of praise to Him who hath bought us and washed us from our sins in His own precious Blood.

I am persuaded, beloved, these are but the droppings of what we shall witness and experience, if we will only keep out of sight and let God, through Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Ghost, be honored and exalted and be all and in all.

Your brother and fellow laborer in the cause of Jesus Christ.

-T. Hezmalhaich.
1900 Lincoln Ave., Denver, Colo.

Bro. M.L. Ryan has moved the "Apostolic Light" office to Portland. The address is 215 Second St. He writes, "The glory still abides."

A sister testified in tongues in the language of India, which was interpreted: "I am feasting of the living bread. Why will you not feast with me?" This was the sweet Spirit of Jesus, an unselfish Spirit, longing for others to come.

The "Pentecostal Wonders" published by the Union Gospel Mission, Akron, Ohio, is one with us in this movement. It is in the center of a great awakening in Ohio where workers went from Los Angeles. It is a blessed sweet-spirited paper, published free. God bless and use it.

The Lord will hold you just as responsible for believing a lie as He did Adam. False doctrine kills the soul. If we get out of the Word of God and believe a lie, we lose the Blood and lose the life out of our souls. Let no one, not even if he comes as an angel of light, nor your own church or pastor, it may be, get you to doubt the Word of God and believe a lie.

If you want to see God work in power, see a people that are living in love and unity and harmony; but if the devil can get in and divide the people of God and sow dissension among them, then God cannot work. I have five fingers on my hand. One is a little one, but if I cut this little one, it will hurt the whole body. So the least member in the body is just as necessary as the greatest. (The greatest member is the most humble one.) Every Blood-washed soul is a member of the body. We cannot reject one without hurting the whole body. If you cut the little finger, it goes right to the heart and every member suffers.

We had an error in the last paper, to which friends have kindly called our attention: "Hades in Greek and Gehenna in Hebrew mean "lake of fire." A brother handed in this statement, and not being Greek and Hebrew scholars and not having time to study it up, we let it pass. We do not expect to smooth over any errors in this paper, but we will make them right. The words above mentioned are translated "hell" but not "lake of fire," which is the final abode of the wicked. After the great white throne judgment, death and hell and whosoever is not found written in the book of life will be "cast into the lake of fire." (Rev. 20:14-15.)


Oysterville, Pacific Co., Wash.
Dec. 24th.

I was converted when a mere child, sanctified two years ago, and since then have been hungering and praying for Pentecost, though I had no idea what to call it.

The Lord drew me to Salem, Ore., and after tarrying six days I received the same enduement of power that Jesus promised to His disciples.

The Lord set me apart for His service and soon gave me a commission. He is using me as a worm of the dust. Glory be to His holy name! He says in His Word, He can use a worm to thrash mountains. I have spoken in many languages and have had sentences interpreted at different times as follows: "This is Jesus," "God is with us," "Jesus is your teacher," "Joy in the Lord," "Jesus is coming." Once while under the power I sang three stanzas of the hymn which commences, "Holy, holy, holy," in a beautiful language. It is so sweet to be acquainted with God. I am determined to be faithful and meet you all in the skies.

The Lord opened meetings in my house last Tuesday, which seem to have no end in sight. Thursday He showed me to take the meeting into a hall. The Lord sent my brother to help. Saturday night there were four seekers for Pentecost at the altar. Conviction fell upon the people. Many went home, as we supposed to bed; but when we had tarried till midnight, in came three young girls who had been backslidden, proclaiming victory, with shining faces. They had gone home, prayed through and returned. They soon dug deeper and are now among the seekers for Pentecost.

Sunday morning the Free Methodist pastor having a regular appointment there, opened the meeting with a hymn and prayer, then made a few remarks in a sweet, Christ-like spirit—said he was open to conviction but wanted God to lead him. He then turned the meeting over to us, sat down, and got blest. Hallelujah! The Lord took full possession and we closed with twelve seekers at the altar. At night again the Spirit took control.

People were there from neighboring towns. Men were there who have attended church but once or twice in their lives. The Lord is working on old people and little tots. One boy of seven received heart cleansing. The above mentioned pastor felt the power working among his flock, and is now a seeker himself. O hallelujah to our King! This is multiplying and increasing upon our hands till we feel it is but the first drops before the great shower. To God be all the glory.

-Mrs. K.E. Andrews.


For more than thirty years, I was a minister in one of the leading denominations, and by the grace of God sought to walk in all the light as God revealed it to me. In common with many honest hearts among God's children, for many months past, I had been seeking for a deeper fullness of God's love, conscious that, however much God had blessed His church, yet for the time now upon us, we needed a greater anointing in order to be made adequate to the work to be done. With this conscious need, a cry went up to God for a Pentecost. And surely He heard and answered according to His own perfect will.

Early in this year, God sent three humble saints from Texas to Los Angeles, and on their arrival, with a very few others, they met to seek for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They sought earnestly to know God's will, by daily searching His Word, yielding themselves up to Him for His fullness for service. But few were favorable to what they called new teachings, so this little band had to move their place of meeting; but with the one purpose in view, they unceasingly sought the Lord for the promise of the Father. So earnest became this little band that, with much fasting they continued almost day and night for some days, till, indeed, their day had fully come, and as suddenly as on the day of Pentecost, the Spirit fell upon them and filled them, and all began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave utterance. But this speaking in other languages was not all, for, indeed, they were filled with all the fullness of God, and all the characteristics of the first Pentecost were manifest. Can any unbiased man doubt as to the source of this strange power, when these humble children of God were waiting only upon Him, seeking for Himself. This was, indeed, the day of small things. But the promise is that the latter rain is to be much more abundant than the former.

About this time, as indicated above, the writer was led of the Lord, to go to Pasadena, some twelve miles from Los Angeles, to assist in tent work, living in a small tent, which gave much quiet opportunity to yet wait more fully upon God, little knowing himself what God was preparing him for. I heard frequently of the Pentecost in Los Angeles, as I was quite often down to my home in the city. These reports were quite conflicting, but God kept me quiet by resting in Himself, giving me the assurance that He was His own interpreter and would in due time make plain.

About the middle of June, without any planning of my own, I was led for the first time into those meetings at Azusa St., Los Angeles, in an attitude of entire dependence upon God, knowing that He would protect me from error and show me the truth. I was soon convinced that God was indeed working in ways that I had never witnessed, and the fulfillment of Scripture was plainly manifested. In the altar service, I quietly presented myself before the Lord. On the second day, while at the altar, as distinct to my inner consciousness as a clear voice to my ear, Jesus said, "receive ye the Holy Spirit," and as a hungry person would readily take food, I did eagerly accept the gift of my Lord. This was on Saturday afternoon. I did not feel any overflow of joy or emotion, but rather a deeper calm and quiet, and in my mission work on the Lord's Day following, I had more liberty and a clear knowledge of my Lord's presence.

On the Monday following I returned to Los Angeles and was in the meetings all day. My whole being seemed to be in one accord with all God was doing. The meeting at night seemed indeed remarkable, as the large room was crowded, and God's presence so very manifest. So earnest was the spirit of testimony that Brother Seymour could not begin his message from the Lord until after nine. As he preached, God's power seemed to be increasing in me, but I thought of nothing more. Just about the close of the sermon, a little after ten, as suddenly as on the day of Pentecost, while I was sitting some twelve feet right in front of the preacher, the Holy Spirit fell upon me and filled me literally, as it seemed to lift me up, for, indeed, I was in the air in an instant, shouting, praise God, and instantly I began to speak in another language. Two of the saints quite a distance apart, saw the Spirit fall upon me. One of them sprang towards me, also talking in an unknown language. Oh, how God did indeed fill my whole being in a way indescribable. I could not have been more surprised if at the same moment some one had handed me a million dollars. I had not been seeking the gift of tongues, or any other gift; but, oh how I did long for God Himself to completely fill me, and in His great love surely He did.

As you see, this Pentecost is not the gift of tongues, but, as on that Pentecost recorded in 2nd of Acts, the gift of tongues was a sign and a powerful and a practical witnessing agency. So I fully believe this latter rain will be in its full development. "They spake as the Spirit gave utterance," and all who knew me before, bear witness, that not simply in some other tongue, but in my own mother tongue, the Spirit does give another utterance. In an experience of over thirty-five years God has kept me from fanaticism, and I am sure that in no time in my life was I more fully surrendered to God and free from all desire aside from just His will only. What I received as described above, I call the baptism of the Holy Spirit, for, as you see, it was just like that recorded in the 2nd chapter of Acts. Do you ask, watchman, what of the night? After four months of prayerful seeking only the will of God, now in this Pentecost, I am sure, "this is that," the beginning of the early and latter rain. This is surely of God. Not that all about and around is of God; by no means. Not that mistakes have not been made. We are still in the flesh. This I do know, that God has come into my life, in a fuller and more profound sense than ever before, and He makes all things spiritual much more real, and His love completely permeates my whole being. Also, just what Jesus said the baptism would give, viz, witnessing power. This I know is manifestly more in myself and all who have received the like gift.

In these few months from the time the praying, fasting few received the long sought—for rending of the heavens, and Jesus did baptize them with His Spirit, up till now, this work has spread till its influence has reached half round the world. Many of all ages and races, from varied conditions and abilities, from the very young to the octogenarian, those learned, and of no education, each alike has received a definite baptism of the Spirit. Surely the glorious coming of our blessed Lord is very near, and all this supernatural work of God is needed for the work to be completed. This is only the beginning of the gracious latter rain, which our risen Lord will pour out upon all flesh, and as the Holy Spirit shall temper each vessel, meet for service, He will fully restore all the gifts, or rather manifest each as needed. For all is inherent in Himself, and all thus baptized will indeed be one. The Holy Spirit is now leading us into much prayerful study of His Word. He makes Christ increasingly, all in all, the flesh nothing, God's children one, and the coming of Jesus intensely real. Beloved in the Lord, don't criticize, but join us in prayer.

Yours in Jesus,
-A.H. Post.
Pasadena, Cal. – From the Way of Faith.


Report of a Case of Healing in Oakland.
The Man was a Sinner on whom This Miracle Was Shown.
Oakland, Cal., Dec. 18th.

A wonderful miracle of healing took place at the tent yesterday afternoon. Bro. Manley's lesson was on Divine healing and he emphasized the statement that God healed sinners. As if to corroborate his testimony, when he had closed, a rough-looking man arose with a crutch under one arm and a cane in the other hand. He said in substance, "I am a bad man. I have had a university education—practiced law for seven years—went wrong and became a tramp—an outcast—the drunken hobo you see. Two days ago I was going to jump into the bay, when this friend, (pointing to a roughly dressed young man) told me of this place and that people got healed here. Now I am here to be healed of this leg, and I know it will be done."

He had been kicked by a horse last May and the bone had healed in a lapped position instead of being joined end to end, leaving him very lame.

Well, Bro. Manley and the saints went right back to the chair where the man was sitting, and Bro. Manley prayed the prayer of faith, laying his hands on the man's head. And in a few moments, the man jumped to his feet, looked amazed and said, "It's done! It's done!" threw away his crutch and cane and went all over the tent, walking as good as anybody.

The most profound sensation was produced by this exhibition of the power of God, and nearly everybody was in tears and praising God.

Oh what a wonderful God we are serving. The man sought for salvation all the afternoon, and late at night was converted.

"A cancer and a rupture of seven years standing have been healed in Salem since we got here. The cancer came out in three days, roots and all. Jesus is healing the sick. Many other healings are taking place."-Florence Crawford, Salem, Ore., Dec. 20

The Missionary Faith Home at Alliance has received the Pentecost. A number there have been baptized with the Holy Ghost, and it has become a center of power. People are going there for their Pentecost. Bro. Levi Lupton who is at the head of the work there and has a paper called the "New Acts," is a returned missionary from Africa. He saw the need of the gift of tongues while there. He now speaks in four tongues, and other Christian workers are receiving the baptism and gift of tongues, which means much for the missionary cause.

"I am glad I received my Pentecost, for it is the best thing I ever had. My aim is to win souls for Jesus. I have not been bothered with opium any more. I have no desire to go back. I have squared the $10 with that man, and by paying it, the Lord has blest me. The Lord has been giving me the gift of healing and singing through me in unknown tongues, and has been wonderfully using me in His work. I was holding a street meeting in Martinez and some of them had me arrested, but the Lord's grace is enough. I have had heavenly sunlight even in jail."—Harry Gerke, 10 Commercial St., San Francisco. (This dear brother was saved from opium only a short time ago in Azusa Mission. He had a hard fight with the devil, but God has established him. Praise God!)


(We take the privilege of publishing this testimony from a private letter written to Sister Florence Crawford.)

When I first went into that 9th St. Mission, I was as nearly an infidel as it was possible for one raised as I had been to be. I had persuaded myself that the Bible was not to be taken literally, but figuratively, and had rejected the idea of everlasting punishment, and tried to disbelieve the providence of God; that is, that He interested Himself in us personally.

I thought I was as good as the average church member, notwithstanding I had not been attending church for about five years. I had belonged to a church in Chicago until five years ago. I went into the church in good faith, but when it dawned upon me that what was preached was not expected to be practiced, I just concluded we had been "gold-bricked," and quit, and had been too indifferent to go to any church again, until I heard of the coming of the Los Angeles Pentecostal people, and I was at the first meeting at 9th Street Mission, out of pure curiosity, expecting to see a fake.

I shall never forget how it made me squirm and writhe in the very depths of my soul when you held up the mirror—the Word of God—with all the dust and cobwebs brushed off, and I got a clear view of myself as I really was. How all the excuses I had piled up to justify myself slipped from under me, and how mean I appeared as I thought of myself as an outcast from God. After I had quit going to church, I had begun going to theaters, and eventually even took an occasional drink with my office companions, and had also gambled a little in mining stock "bucket shop." There had been a constant unrest of soul, for somehow my conscience would never allow me to get any enjoyment out of sin.

That was my condition when I happened into the Mission. I say happened in; I should say when I was led there; for I now know that I was led there by the Spirit of the living God. Bless His Holy Name forever! For the first time, I realized that to be a true, sincere Christian meant to live without sin at all. It meant in my case even the giving up of tobacco, before I could so much as ask God to have mercy on me.

There is no need of going into the details of the struggle I went through before I surrendered. What I thought I could never do, God did for me. He took away all appetite for tobacco instantly—a habit to which I was a perfect slave—for which I never cease to thank Him.

On Aug. 12th, God made known to me that my past sins were all forgiven, and that I was His child.

Then I heard sanctification explained, saw my need of it, and sought for that experience. I had a fearful struggle with self, doubt, and pride, before I finally got all upon the altar, and just gave up, which I did Sept. 21st. The instant I really let go of everything and said to God, "I can't do another thing," He just laid hold of me and flooded my soul with such joy and peace and a sense of cleanness, that really it was some time before I could see how it was possible for me to get anything more and contain it.

But I became hungry for the baptism with the Holy Ghost and power, and began seeking for that precious gift of God. Then commenced a battle royal sure enough. It seemed that all the powers of darkness were determined to prevent me from obtaining the priceless blessing. When the devil would get me cornered where it seemed as though God had forsaken me, I would always beat him back with this, "Well, one thing I do know, I have been cleansed from all sin and have no desire whatever to sin, and that is a grand thing for me." Then I would find the most precious scripture just when needed to exactly fit my case, and again take courage.

And so the battle went on for over two months till Nov. 25th, which you will remember was the night you laid your hands on me for my healing; and I received both healing for my lungs and the infilling of God's Holy Spirit. Glory to His Holy Name forevermore!

I shall never forget that night. Why, I was raised from the depths of despair to the very throne of our God. (Right here the Spirit stopped me and sang through me praises to my blessed Redeemer and King, my Master whom to serve is my greatest joy.)

As long as the memory of that blessed night (Nov. 25) remains with me, I shall ever say, "God bless Sister Crawford abundantly and use her to encourage many, many others in similar need."

Now all these blessings have been a free gift to me. I have not a single mark to my credit. God had a stubborn, unbelieving, thankless child to deal with when He picked me up, and He just had to have wonderful love and patience to bear with me. But He did. And now I am eternally His, sealed unto the day of redemption. Praise His name. Hallelujah! I feel a burning desire to see others possess the same blessing. I could tell you of wonderful victory and blessed seasons since my baptism. When I think of what Jesus has done for me, I feel as though I could go through fire for Him, but of myself I can do nothing. He has put an abiding love in my heart for Him and for my fellow man.

Your brother in Christ,
-J.G. Bourman. 490 24th St., Oakland.

Our office at 312 Azusa St. has been almost snowed under by letters, sometimes as many as fifty a day. Many are hungry for the baptism with the Holy Ghost; many want healing for their sick bodies or for friends, and others want salvation. Dear ones, if we have not been able to answer your letters, please take this paper for an answer. If you send in questions, we may answer them in the next paper.

"The Lord is using we boys more than I ever dared to think of before I came into the work. I would not change my position for the best in the country, including the President's job. We have more to be thankful for, I believe, than any man in the country. It's just heaven wherever we go. It's just a heaven to go to heaven in. We hold meetings on the street cars and railway trains and praise the Lord! He just fills and thrills us with glory all the time; and interprets tongues through us at times, and we sing in unknown tongues. He has given me some very beautiful songs in unknown tongues. Praise His holy name! Praise God! He just piles gifts and glory on me until I think all I need is more strength to stand it and more humility to keep me from getting puffed up. Pray that God will keep me humble and keep me under the Blood."—William Millson, 312 Azusa St., Los Angeles.


On December 8, the writer came to Toronto, Canada, to assist in two mission meetings. The first is in the northwest part of the city and closes tomorrow night. There the Lord has met us in full salvation power. We praise Him!

But we wish to write especially of what our eyes have seen and our ears have heard of Gods’ work elsewhere in this city, particularly at 651 Queen East, Bro. and Sister Heben being in charge. Here is a three-story building all separated unto the Lord. A public assembly room, not large, is on the first floor. The second floor is occupied by the superintendents of the work. And the third floor is for rest for those who need help from the Lord. At the present time, it costs about $75 a month to cover all expenses. No collections are taken and no help asked for, except for old clothes for the poor. God supplies all the needs. Of course He does.

Here there are held three services on Sunday, a Bible reading on Monday evening, an all-day prayer meeting on Wednesday, and divine healing on Friday evening. It was my privilege to attend two of these all-day meetings, save at night. Here God is pouring out His spirit. Several have been definitely baptized with the Holy Ghost and speak with tongues. It all came about in this way:

Mr. and Mrs. Hebden began praying for more power to heal the sick and cast out demons. The Lord said to Mrs. Hebden, "Tongues, tongues." She answered, "No, Lord, not tongues, but power, power." The Spirit was grieved. Then she replied, "Anything, Lord, tongues or anything." Soon after this the power came upon this yielded woman and she began to speak in an unknown language. And now the Holy Spirit speaks and prays in a tongue through her, and sings and writes and makes sketches which appear like landscapes. Paul exhorts, "Let him pray that he may interpret." She has prayed and now interprets. One of the sketches was as clouds rolling up from the earth. Two days after this was given, it was interpreted to her to mean...a resurrection of the saints. I heard Mrs. Hebden speak yesterday interpreting what she said. It was this: "God's people should pray for more humility." Another sentence was, "On the 17th of November, the Lord baptized me with the Holy Ghost and gave me the Bible evidence."

Bro. Hebden received his Pentecost last Sabbath morning, while quietly meditating on the word of the Lord, not thinking of the baptism. He praised Jesus, and the Holy Ghost fell upon him. He prayed in a tongue yesterday in my hearing. The meetings are heavenly. They are conducted informally. A stranger could scarcely discover who is in the lead. Christ is the Head. The Holy Ghost leads.

There is a divine hush in the home. There is seriousness without rigidity, quietness without death and formality, joy and much praise without flippancy, liberty without license. How anyone not right with God can come into these meetings and not get under deep conviction, and how a believer can fail to enjoy them, are conundrums. Pentecost has begun in Toronto.

One young woman who was very nice and precise in the world was marvelously saved. She had been under deep conviction for days. When once surrendered, she seemed to sweep with one bound from the altar of burnt offering into the most holy place, from the cross to the Pentecostal chamber, sealed with the Bible evidence. (Acts 10:46) She laughed incessantly for hours and hours. Sometimes she speaks in a tongue while at her work.

May the dear Lord hasten to get us humble enough to trust us with His gifts, and simple enough to receive all He so freely offers, for His own glory. Going on with the Lord, I remain, Your unworthy servant,

A.S. Copley, Cambridge, O.
-From "Way of Faith."

Missionaries to Sweden from San Pedro, Cal., Bro. and Sister Eric Hollingsworth, have arrived safely after a very blessed time on the way. Their address is Kristinelund, Tumba, Sweden.

In Akron, Ohio, there is a general awakening. People carry their Bibles to the shop with them. And the revival is going on without preachers. People are coming hundreds of miles to attend the meetings. Many have gone from the meeting starting others.

"Oh praise the King of Kings for His goodness to us these last days! I am so glad that the wonderful power is not only in the mission in cities, but also among the cowboys and farmers in the country. O praise His name! We have got the Pentecost here and it is glorious. We are contending for the faith once delivered unto the saints, and are looking for the soon coming of our Lord and King, Jesus of Nazareth."—Arthur E. Grimshaw, Box 267, Pawhuska, Okla., Jan. 16.

A sister came to the mission for the first time, very sick. As she took her seat and saw how God was working, she said, "Lord, I am not worthy to have what these people have, but let me eat of the crumbs." she was very hungry for the Lord. Right while she was sitting in her seat, the Lord saved her, sanctified her, and baptized her with the Holy Ghost, giving her the gift of tongues. She began saying in a foreign tongue, "The Lord has made me every whit whole." Someone who understood the language she was speaking, told what she was saying. The Spirit had told her what it was, and now, though she had hardly been able to drag herself into the Mission, she was perfectly healed. This was all in about half an hour, and she was the happiest creature you ever saw. She could not keep still but kept praising God while others were speaking, and when we last saw her she was still praising Him.

"When I knelt seeking the baptism with the Holy Ghost, the Spirit spoke through one man most beautifully in a language of India a precious message, and I believe God sent it for my own benefit. I was looking up to God and doing business with Him. He spoke a language that is spoken 15,000 miles from here, and I looked and one glance was sufficient to show me that the Holy Ghost was speaking through that man. There are very few that get the native accent by study, but this man spoke the beautiful accent of that country. I want to repeat the words that he spoke, 'O Lord God, thou art my Redeemer, thou art the great King of Kings. I adore and magnify thee in my inner soul.' That convinced me that the Holy Ghost was giving languages in this place. I have interpreted at least seven messages in the languages of British India, therefore I know what I am talking about. Be very careful that you do not put your hands on the ark of God." – sGeo. E. Berg. Hermon, Cal.

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