“Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”—Jude 3


The Promised Latter Rain

Joel 2:23 and James 5:7, 8.

Poured Out on The Humble People of God All Over the World.

The story of the Pentecost of 1906 has been told all over the world. Hallelujah. Hungry souls have been much blest in hearing it.

Two years ago last April there were many true children of God in Los Angeles, California, praying for the outpouring of the Spirit in churches and missions, and for a world-wide revival. There were praying bands in different bodies of God's people there and probably all over the world at that time, praying for the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and for a revival. But there was one little company of sanctified people in Los Angeles that had appointed a ten days’ tarrying meeting for the baptism of the Holy Ghost and were in one accord, and they expected that when the Pentecost fell they would receive the sign of speaking in tongues as in Acts 2:4. The Lord put His seal on this company. They were all colored people—not one white person among them. God no doubt had a purpose in this, as He wanted to humble His people and make them one in Spirit of whatever race or nationality, as He did on the day of Pentecost. He is no respecter of persons.

On the night of the 9th of April the power fell in a cottage meeting, where the a little company were assembled. A number received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and all spoke with tongues as the Spirit gave utterance. The mighty power of God was manifested. This was noised abroad. Hungry souls came. They rented a mission-room on Azusa Street. It was in a barn-like old building---very humble—but it was a place where the Holy Ghost was received. There was room for Him there where He could have full right of way, if not in the churches.

The power of God began falling night and day. The place was crowded to the utmost. People came and stayed all day-- forgot to eat. They came from thousands of miles, received Pentecost, went back and the fire broke out and souls received it.

Missionaries started to foreign lands, stopping along the way, and some hungry souls caught the fire.

The Spirit fell on people sitting in their seats. A minister sitting in front of the pulpit one night during the preaching suddenly jumped to his feet as the fire fell on him, and he commenced speaking in tongues. Some saw in the Spirit the Holy Ghost fall upon him. He is now in India.

Also many received the interpretation of what was spoken in the unknown tongue. Messages have been interpreted in this way that the Spirit spoke in many languages. One very notable thing is that wherever the Pentecost has fallen one message that has been spoken by children and all people is that JESUS IS COMING SOON. Many saw visions of His coming and visions of heaven, etc. This also is a fulfillment of prophecy.

Remarkable Spreading of Pentecost.

About six months after Pentecost fell in Los Angeles it had fallen in many other places where they were waiting for more of God and heard of what God had done in Los Angeles.

A brother came from North Carolina and received his Pentecost and went back to his people, who received it gladly. God had used him in a number of states, and he writes that he has never stopped to rest, but is going right on. He has seen multitudes baptized.

A Norwegian minister in New York received it and a crown of fire was seen on his head. He carried it to Norway, Sweden, England, and is now in India. It has fallen in great power in India and China, where Pentecostal papers are being published. It has fallen in Switzerland and in Australia, in Denmark, Russia, and in the City of Jerusalem.
At least ten Pentecostal papers have been published free in this and other lands, and God is using that way of spreading the Gospel, and souls have received their Pentecost through them. People have received the Holy Spirit in their homes and in cottage meetings, and God has been giving the Pentecost all over the world wherever He could seek out a hungry and humble soul.

Never Heard of Pentecost

People have received Pentecost that never heard of such a thing as speaking in tongues, except in the Bible.

About two years ago a young woman in the East was seeking for the baptism of the Holy Ghost, not having heard of the Pentecost in latter times. She had heard Dr. Torrey preach on the Baptism of the Spirit, and was seeking it while she was about her work and praying in her bed at night. While she prayed, the power of God began to come on her and her body was shaken. She did not understand that it was the power of God, and told a friend that she had chills every night, but did not get cold. So the lady consulted a doctor. He said, "That girl has not got chills; if she had chills, she would have a fever." After that she began to speak under the power of the Spirit in her room, and she became conscious one day that she was not speaking in English. She immediately asked God to forgive her, and said: “Lord, I was not saying a thing to You; only jabbering and muttering,” and she begged God not to let her go crazy. When she related this to a friend, she was told that it must be the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and was shown a paper that came from Los Angeles, but she could not believe it until the Lord led her to Los Angeles and to the Azusa Mission. She went to the altar and the power came on her again, and she began to speak in tongues. Then the Spirit told her that He was not pleased for her to call it jabbering and muttering, for He said, “The Holy Ghost does not jabber and mutter; He speaks a language.”

God gave abundant proof that the power was from Him. Drunkards got saved and went out to carry the Gospel. People made restitution and straightened up their lives. Whole families got saved, sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost.

God Gave Him a Sign.

The secular papers spoke evil against the work in Los Angeles, and God confounded the editor of one of the great dailies there through one of the editor's servants that had received the Pentecost. God sent her one day with a message to him, and the Spirit had led her to take a piece of poetry that she found in a newspaper and read it to him in the new language God had given her. She came to him under the power of the Spirit and said, "General, the Lord Jesus Christ has given me a message for you.”

“The Lord Jesus Christ sent a message to me." he said.

"Yes, General.”

He took her aside and sat down, and she started to real the poem. It was written by his wife, who was dead, written in English, but she began reading it in Spanish. The editor stopped her and said, "Sophie, do you know that you are speaking Spanish?" She replied, "Yes, General.” It touched him. When she had finished reading, she said. "General, the Lord Jesus Christ wants you to know Him in the pardon of your sins." People do not always know who they are persecuting when they oppose the workings of what they term the "tongues movement.”

Many who were seeking for more power, not expecting the sign of tongues, rejected it because it did not come as they expected, and they began to oppose it, because they did not recognize that it was God answering their prayers. They failed to receive the blessing, and lost out in their own souls, and their work became powerless and dead. Tongues became a stumbling block and a rock of offence to them. But, thank God, many that did oppose at first have been convinced, and have sought and received.

People received the Pentecost in their homes, on the street, and in the kitchen. One man received his on his fruit wagon. God gave it to hungry souls wherever they were looking up to Him, and He is doing it yet, praise His blessed name.

Hundreds received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in Los Angeles. The altar services were wonderful. People fell under the power of God almost as soon as they reached the altar. Row after row of seats would be turned into altars.

The Heavenly Choir.

One of the manifestations that followed Pentecost was the heavenly singing by a chorus of voices in supernatural sweetness and harmony. It was melting—wonderful. Praise God, many missions have had it since then. The song is inspired, it is an anointing of the Spirit. God gave new voices to old men and women and to people who had never been able to sing, and to those that had lost their voices. He gave songs in many languages and gave the interpretation in song in English

Preaching in Tongues.

The Spirit preached sermons in many languages that were understood by those present. Russians and Spanish heard their languages. Missionaries from Africa heard the African dialect which they understood. An Indian heard his language and got saved. He could not speak English.

An Armenian heard the Gospel in his language. He was deeply moved, sought God, and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. He would speak in tongues on the street car and at the shop where he worked. One day he fell under the power at the shop. The men gathered about him and asked if he was hurt. They tried to hold him and keep him from shaking under the power of God. He told them it was the Holy Ghost, and he said that he was not only working for his employer, but that He was serving God.

Other Manifestations.

Other manifestations of the power of God were the healing of many sick people of diseases that the doctors could not cure. Demons were cast out of many that were oppressed by the devil. People fell under the power of God, and their bodies were shaken. It was the same manifestation that the early Quakers had, and that has been manifested in all times among all God's people under the mighty power of the Spirit.

This outpouring of the Spirit has circled the globe, and is bringing the children of God into one Spirit. Missionaries go out trusting God alone for their support. The Spirit is being poured out upon the people of God everywhere they will receive Him. God's word is studied as never before, the Blood of Jesus exalted. Satan is enraged. God is sifting His people. He is gathering out a company of overcomers for His bride. Is not this the latter rain?

"With a company of missionaries and a few others, we are in this quiet mountain at Coonoor, South India, 6,000 feet above the sea, shut in with God for the old-time baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. Some of these had already entered into this glorious experience and came with their fellow workers, that they also might receive the precious promise of the Father, our Lord's ascension gift. How very much this means for India for these dear missionaries to receive the mighty baptism of the Holy Ghost. It is spreading into other missions and among the dear natives, until now there are fully a thousand precious baptized souls mostly in West India." —A H. Post, Address, Bombay, India.

"In Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa, the dear Lord has poured out of His Spirit among the heathen. God has given them some wonderful revelations. Many have received water baptism. God is manifesting His great power among the people in our street meetings. The sinners fall out under the power and are saved. O, how we praise God for His wonder-working power. Hundreds of people are walking the streets daily in almost a nude condition and without God; some with their god tied around their necks, arms and waists; and, oh, what a sad sight to see their mode of worship." —Rosa Harmon

Brother Tom Griffin, a brother that was once a drunkard and gambler and dying with consumption, now baptized with the Holy Ghost, has gone back to Ireland with his wife to preach the Gospel. He found a sister of his who received him as one alive from the dead. She had been to inquire of the Roman Catholic priests about her lost brother, and they told her, "Yes, he is in purgatory." She had paid them several pounds to pray him out. He is telling the priests and the people on the streets what God has done for him. Great opposition. Souls being saved and sanctified. There is a precious band of 12 Spirit-baptized souls there in Belfast.

The Lord has raised up Pentecostal papers in Norway, India, England and China. They are as follows: "Byposten" (in Norwegian), Christiana, Norway; "Cloud of Witnesses," Bombay India; "Confidence," Sunderland, England; "Pentecostal Truths" (in Chinese), Hong Kong, China, And the good news is being translated into other languages. Praise God.

From Jerusalem we received some Pentecostal papers printed in English and Arabic. A Pentecostal brother wrote that the Holy Ghost spoke in tongues through him there in the Garden of Gethsemane to a priest. The priest threw his arms around him and repeated the same words that the Spirit had spoken.

From South Africa a brother writes that in a meeting there the Holy Spirit suddenly fell upon an audience and about 250 of them fell before the Lord and prayed audibly to God at once. Many wept for their sins. In another meeting the people again fell before God, and about 60 were saved.

The Pentecost has fallen in Holland, among the Dutch people, and several have received. Address Mrs. W. Polman, 45 Tilannussstraat.

The same Spirit that is in Jesus Christ is in every child of His today. Therefore, we have fellowship with every Blood washed soul, if Jesus Christ is in us.

"The Spirit of Truth" is a blessed Pentecostal paper, published at Southsea, Hauts, England, with precious truth, testimonies and healings. It is free.

God is blessing the Pentecostal missionaries in preaching this Gospel in Cheng Ting Fu, Chih-li and Shanghai, North China.

A dear missionary who returned from Switzerland reports that the Lord is baptizing souls there.

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For the next issue of this paper address


Portland, Ore.

Subscription Free

We have moved the paper, which the Lord laid on us to begin at Los Angeles to Portland, Oregon, which will now be its headquarters.

Some have asked how to send money offerings. Stamps are very acceptable. If necessary to get a money order, it can be made payable to the APOSTOLIC FAITH, PORTLAND, ORE.

The Apostolic Faith is a free paper, published printed and sent by faith in God for its support. It strives to honor Jesus only. It contains no advertisements. It has no stated time of publication, but is issued as often as the Lord permits.

The Apostolic Faith never goes in debt or makes known its needs except to God. We thank God for the 15th number of this paper of at least 30,000 copies, which are being sent to every country on the globe by faith in Him.

This paper belongs to the children of God. It is being used to publish the full Gospel to the ends of the earth and herald the coming of our Lord. Let all join in prayer for a wave of salvation to follow the paper, Amen. Souls have received their baptism through reading it.


Jesus was anointed to do the work of the Father, and all power was committed into His hands. After the humiliating service of 33 years, He went back to the Father, bruised and bleeding, despised and rejected of men. His life had been a failure in the eyes of the world, yet He triumphed over death, hell and the grave, and promised His faithful followers that He would give them all power, power to tread on scorpions, power to heal the sick, cleanse the leper, raise the dead, and to be His witnesses unto the end of the earth. Oh, how it thrills me when I think of His great commission to His followers.

He told them to preach the Gospel to every creature. "But tarry ye in the City of Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high." Luke 24:49. This was Jesus' last sermon. Five hundred saw Him step on a cloud and go out of sight, and 120 obeyed His command and waited for the promise of the Father.

True to His Word, the Comforter came and filled all the room where they were sitting, and they went forth and preached the Word with signs following. The command is on God's people today to tarry for the enduement of power and the signs will follow.


"In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto Me and drink."

This was at the Feast of Tabernacles, a time when the people would live in tabernacles or tents for seven days and return the eighth day to live in their houses, a type of going from the wilderness into Canaan. Jesus was among the Jews as a fulfillment of every feast and every symbol. They went, as was their custom, and fetched water from the pool of Siloam and poured it out in the temple.

Jesus stood and watched them. He saw the hungry and thirsty people and could forbear no longer. He cried out, "If any man thirst, let him come unto Me and drink. He that believeth on Me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water." John 7: 38-39.

God has a spiritual flow for us, a spiritual fulfillment of His Word. Men today are trying to pump up some water. They are carrying water to let it flow out of the temple. Jesus' promise was not something pumped up or prepared of ourselves. He promised that waters should flow out of the gate of His temple, rivers of living water, and they should be healing waters, as Ezekiel describes in the 47th chapter. They healed the desert places. And they were living waters. "Everything shall live whither the river cometh.”

The Jews had gone through that performance so long. Oh, how dry the form was to the multitude. So it is today. We have big conventions, and sermons pumped up, but Jesus said He had that which would flow out of the innermost being. Bless His name.

Many today have just a little streamlet of salvation in their souls, but they have not that springing up into everlasting life. God will give you songs and sermons in the night. The rivers are for us all. It takes a going down before God, a searching and dying out to everything.

When the Holy Ghost comes in and baptizes your soul, oh, how He does flood your innermost being and makes your soul like a well of water springing up. Jesus wants us to strike that great flow that will flood the whole country and make us witnesses to the ends of the earth.

I have seen in California a great artesian well that would gush up hundreds of feet into the air. They said it would flood the whole country if they did not stop it. They would try, but pretty soon out would go the plug and away would go the water. Nothing can stop this living water. Wherever it touches it brings purity, life, liberty and power. Souls get saved, sanctified and bodies get healed and believers baptized with the Holy Ghost. The people that had dry experiences, their souls are blossoming like the rose, and the desert places have become pools of water. "There shall be a great multitude of fish." Eze. 47:8. "And the same day there was added unto them about three thousand souls.” Acts 2:41. So we see it makes us fishers of men.

A river flowed out of the Garden of Eden and parted into five heads and watered the countries. So this Gospel is watering all lands. That is what you see in this movement. God has poured out His Spirit on some of His servants and hand-maidens and, they are filled with the rivers of water. While some are still at the old way of drawing up water from cisterns, others have plunged out into the "waters to swim in," oceans of the love and power of God.


We know that the Holy Ghost was not given till Jesus was glorified. (John 7:39.) There was a beautiful vail before the Holy of Holies that none could pass through except the High Priest once a year, and that not without blood for himself and the sins of the people. The High Priest represented Jesus entering the heavenlies with His own Blood. The vail of the temple signified that the way into the Holiest was not yet made manifest. It represented the vail of Jesus' flesh, for the temple itself was a type of Christ. (Heb. 10:19.)

When His body was rent and His great heart broke with anguish on the cross, He cried with a loud voice and gave up the ghost; "And behold the vail of the temple was rent in twain, from the top to the bottom." This signified that through His death the vail was done away, and the way into the Holiest was now open to all. Not only to priests, but to His servants and hand-maidens, all that were made holy in His Blood. Glory to His name. Jesus had to die first, before He could pour forth His Spirit upon us.

"Having, therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the Holiest by the Blood of Jesus." We see that it is through the Blood of Jesus that we enter in. No unclean thing can enter the Holiest. There is no altar for cleansing there. Notice the steps:

1st. A sinner comes to Jesus, dead in sins and alienated from God. He is in darkness, but the Holy Spirit has awakened his conscience and convicted him. He cannot make any consecration because he is dead. He must be justified by faith. When he repents for his sins, he sees the Lamb slain before God for him. For Jesus' sake, God has mercy upon him and abundantly pardons his sins, washing away all pollution. He now stands before God as if he had never sinned, and has eternal life in his soul.

2nd. Then he can consecrate himself. There remains that original sin in him for which he is not responsible till he has the light. He hears the Word, that the Blood of Jesus cleanseth from all sin, and comes to be sanctified. There is Jesus, the Lamb without blemish on the altar. Jesus takes that soul that has eternal life abiding in him and presents him to God for thorough purging from all Adamic sin. The Blood cleanses, and he is every whit whole, sanctified and holy.

3rd. Now he is ready for the fire of God to fall, which is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. He sees that it is promised by the Father and purchased on Calvary. By faith he enters in boldly and the fire falls on the sacrifice, and it is consumed with holy love. It is a free gift upon the sanctified heart. The fire remains there continually burning in the Holiest of God. Why? Because he is sanctified and remains on the altar continually. While he keeps consecrated to God, the great Shekina glory is continually burning in his soul and filling with heavenly light.


The time was once when we could wait for evangelists to come our way and stir us up to the fact that souls were perishing. Now God is warning us. He is speaking Himself that the night is far spent and the day is at hand. Jesus said, "Go work in My vineyard." A few have heeded that call since the power of God the Holy Ghost fell in the upper room at Jerusalem, yet many have gone to surfeiting. Some have bought a yoke of oxen, some married a wife, may have gone to see some land.

But the midnight cry is upon us. This Gospel must be preached to all nations, and then shall the end come. "This Gospel" is not salvation alone, but a clean heart, the power of God on a clean life, and the power of God to heal the sick and cast out devils.

Oh, may God stir us up as never before. The Spirit says Come, the bride says Come, and whosoever will may come. But how can they hear without a preacher. God is pouring out of His Spirit upon all flesh these days, making prophets of all that will humble themselves under the mighty hand of God.

He is calling today for pure-hearted, simple folks that have been made so by the Blood of Jesus, to go to the hungry thousands on the streets of our cities and tell them of the love of Jesus, His power to save, His power to break the chains of appetite and set captives free. Jesus wants the simple message, backed by the power of God, carried to dying men. He wants simple people like Peter, John and Philip, that received their wisdom from God.

Oh, that we would be willing to take our place at Jesus' feet and learn of Him, doing the little things in His name that will bring such rich reward in heaven. We cannot all sing like angels, nor all preach like Paul, but we can tell the love of Jesus, how He died to save us all. Bless His holy name.

Oh, my heart goes out in praise to the Christ that has done so much for me, even forgiving my sins. God has put such an everlasting go through in my soul that truly there are not men enough on earth or devils in hell to make me doubt for one moment what God has done for my poor soul.

Paul was not in the upper room when the Holy Ghost fell on the disciples, but he was at Damascus when the power fell on him. And that was enough for Brother Paul. He could declare this great power. And even though all forsook him at one time except Luke, he could not fail, for he was present when the power fell on him. Oh, I am so glad Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Some of us can say with Paul, "I shun not to declare the whole counsel of God, and am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation." And he also said he would not know the speech of men, but the power of God on their lives. How the ministry would be cut down today if Brother Paul should come back to earth and judge them by the power on their lives, So few have the enduement of power that alone qualifies for the preaching of the Gospel. But we can have it if we will only humble ourselves and tarry at His lovely feet. 0h, that men would repent everywhere, for Jesus is coming soon.

If you are interested in this paper and desire to distribute it, send for a roll.

A Hindu schoolmaster, who received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, says, "Words cannot express the gratitude of my heart to God for condescending to notice a poor Hindu boy like me! Leading me so patiently step by step, until He brought me into His fullness. Truly! God is no respecter of persons.”

When the Holy Ghost comes in He reveals Christ in you. He is your Beloved. He sings in your soul. He caries on a perpetual meeting. It never breaks up. He preaches the word at midnight and in the morning. The Spirit prays in our soul. Many times He will touch you while you are sleeping and you wake to find your Beloved. He comes to manifest Himself to you and love you. He feeds you on the Word. He fills you with the anointing of the Spirit.

The Lord Jesus thanked the Father that He had given Him the Word and the disciples had received it. When we receive the Word, we receive Christ, and we live in Him by obeying the Word. He says, “Sanctify them through Thy truth, Thy Word is truth.” When there is no rebellion in our heart to the Truth, then Christ is sanctified in us. God’s approval is on us, because we believe His Word and do it. There is no way to abide in Christ but by obedience to His Word.

The Jews were astonished that on the Gentiles was poured out the gift of the Holy Spirit. Peter had to go up to Jerusalem and tell the brethren all about it before they would believe. After they heard it, they held their peace. And would to God we had as much sense in these days. When God begins to bless folks and fill them with the Spirit, we had better hold our peace and let Him have His way.

We are not building up churches in this movement. We are out of the flesh energy. Now everything is to be done in the Spirit according to the Word. We are just seeing God work and recognizing Him as the Head. We know that He is able to answer the prayers of Jesus that all His disciples might be one. It will not be in any human or man-made plan of unity or federation of churches. It is not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord.

The Lord never sends out any preachers but those that have the fire of God in their souls. The time is out for dead preachers and dead churches. The Lord’s ministers are “a flame of fire,” and Christ’s church is a living church. Without the Holy Ghost, you have simply a dead church, a dead preacher and a dead choir. But if the preacher and the people will pray for the Spirit to come and take charge, they can have the Holy Ghost fire from heaven. Whenever He is recognized to be the president and ruler of the church, signs will follow the preaching of the Word. The power will fall as soon as He comes

Pentecost in Westminster, B. C. began in a cottage prayer meeting. Souls were saved and sanctified, and when they began tarrying for the baptism of the Holy Ghost, a sister received her baptism the first night. The next day a number of sisters went out into the woods to pray, and God met them and three of them were baptized as on the Day of Pentecost, speaking with other tongues. One of them had been a Catholic and did not know how to pray, when she first came to the meetings. A minister and wife came from Manitoba to investigate. They received sanctification and the baptism of the Holy Ghost and went back with the Bible equipment for preaching the Gospel. Ten have received their Pentecost.

In Minneapolis last Winter the Lord sent a Pentecostal revival. He sent some workers there that preached the full Gospel without compromise, and there was a company willing to go down before God and take the way at any cost. Then God began to pour out His Spirit not only on the saints, but upon many that came, saving, cleansing and baptizing them. It pays to take the uncompromising stand. The Lord has been blessing ever since. In Minneapolis and St. Paul about 40 have been baptized this Summer. Some have been baptized in places near there. The Lord gave them a tent, and they have been holding meetings in different locations, and God is blessing. "

The reason so many Gospel papers can be published free and so many missionaries go out with no board back of them and so many missions established and workers rescuing souls these last two years is because when the Pentecost fell He put such a wonderful love in the hearts of the people. They do not need to be urged to give by begging or sociables and church fairs. They love to give. Those the Lord has called to preach the Gospel give all their time to that service, and others work with their hands and give to send the Gospel. If we want Pentecostal power, we must have Pentecostal giving. Where you find people losing out that love and becoming self-centered, you find that their anointing is gone. They have no power.

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Pentecost fell in Portland in a "manger" place, just as it did in Los Angeles.

Some had been over to the Salem meetings and received their baptism, others were tarrying at the Mission on Second street. They were expecting the workers from Los Angeles who were then in Salem; but before they came the power fell in the Mission. It was on Christmas Day, 1906, and some received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and began to speak in tongues.

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The first day the workers arrived from Salem five received Pentecost, and some continued to be baptized every day. Crowds came. Some nights the people blocked the street in front of the Mission. The police had to keep the crowds moving from the door.

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Persecutions were terrible. They would throw snowballs, bottles, tin cans and rotten eggs. Every window in the Mission front was broken out and the glass in door and transoms. It was a regular battle field. They had to board up the windows.

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Half the Hall an Altar.

The altar was thronged with seekers. They had finally to dismiss the crowd to make room for the altar service. The hall half way to the door would be an altar filled with seekers. The slain of the Lord lay so that you could not move about the altar.

It would not be more than 15 minutes after the altar call was made till some one began to speak in tongues. People got wonderfully healed, devils were cast out. Many were saved and sanctified. And about a hundred received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in that old mission.

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Drunkards Saved.

Many drunkards and others in awful lives of sin were saved and are still standing true. Husbands that had been drunkards returned to their wives and made homes happy. Most of the work in Portland was not with those who had been saved already, but it was the saving of people right out of the slums and from lives of sin.

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A drunkard came one night to the Mission and the Spirit of God got hold of him and convicted him. The next night he was saved. He was restored back to his family. Began to sell off his property and make restitution. After all was straight, he came and sought for a clean heart. God sanctified him. He called the saints one day to pray for his sick child, and the child was instantly healed. He invited them to come out to dinner the next day. They came, and after dinner got down to pray. The Lord sanctified him and baptized his wife with the Holy Ghost. That night he came to the mission and God wonderfully baptized him. He has been living this salvation ever since. God healed him of typhoid fever since then. He was deaf in one ear, and God healed that.

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An Old Minister Baptized.

A man 83 years of age, who had preached the Gospel for 40 years the best he could and with the blessing of the Lord on his labors, received the baptism of the Holy Ghost when the fire first fell. He came back lately and said that this had been the best year of all his life in the blessing of the Lord. He had had more joy and real salvation than in all the 40 years of his ministry. The power of God came on him, and he reeled like a drunken man. It was as on the Day of Pentecost, when Peter said, "These are not drunken as ye suppose, but this is that." He spoke in tongues, which was interpreted: "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in Mine house, and prove Me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruit of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time, said the Lord of Hosts." Mal. 3:10-11. This precious brother was so deaf he could not hear a testimony unless the person was close to him; but the Lord opened his ears, and he now hears every thing.

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Marvelous Healings.

Many had their eyes healed and laid aside their glasses.

A man that had been deaf a long time had his ears instantly unstopped.

A young lady was very greatly afflicted with asthma. Had tried the physicians for years, and they could do nothing for her. The Lord completely healed her. She was also suffering with sore eyes, so inflamed that the water falling from them would scald her cheeks. The Lord also healed her eyes.

At the camp meeting last year the healings through handkerchiefs were wonderful. (See Acts 19:12.) A child was sick in bed from Bright's disease. The grandmother had a handkerchief prayed over and laid it on the child, and it got up and has been well ever since.

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A man had his jaw broken, and was afraid he would die, had made his will. When a handkerchief was prayed over and laid on him, he was healed.

    *     *     *    

Last Summer the camp meeting ran for three months. There was hardly a day but that two or three would get their baptism. One night the crowd outside unhooked the curtains of the tabernacle and threw in stones. The altar service went right on. Reporters came and kept an account of the meetings in the papers, which, though calculated to oppose the meetings, brought in crowds to hear the truth.

    *     *     *    

There has been a steady on-going of mighty power since the Pentecost fell. The saints have been praying for the sick, visiting the hospitals, Poor Farm, preaching in the jail and on the streets, a continuous round of work. The Mission has never been closed, except during the camp meetings, and meetings afternoons and evenings never have stopped.


India is a ripe field. About 1,000 have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in that land already. Shortly after Pentecost fell in Los Angeles, the Lord baptized and called some to India.

They arrived in Calcutta at the opening of the Winter season there. The missionaries usually have a convention there at that time. They were holding meetings for the deepening of the Spirit, and were praying for the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Our missionaries were praying for the Lord to open to them a door to preach the Gospel. They providentially heard of this meeting. They went and found some hungry people praying for a revival. There had been a revival, but there had been some failure, and they were praying for God to finish His work.

In this meeting our missionaries were asked if they knew anything about the Pentecostal Movement in Los Angeles. They told them, Yes, and that God had given them the blessing, and the Spirit came on them to speak in tongues. They were invited to come back, and that night the brother spoke on the outpouring of the Spirit, and how God wanted His ministry filled with the Spirit. At the close a Baptist minister, pastor of the oldest Baptist church in Calcutta, offered his church for them to hold meetings.

Tarrying in the Baptist Church.

The following Sunday they opened meetings in the Baptist Church, and nearly all from the other meeting came over in a body and closed their services to tarry in the Baptist church for the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The work went on for two months, people getting saved and sanctified and straightening their lives under the mighty hand of God. Then the Lord laid it on one to open up a house for tarrying. The missionaries all had work under them in different parts as in India, but the Lord laid it on them to tarry in Jerusalem until endued with power, and not to go back until they had their baptism.

The first one to receive was a Captain of the British army. Several soldiers also tarried, and afterwards received. Nearly all the missionaries were baptized. Several were given visions. One evening one was given a vision of three golden anchors coming in at the window, and the same night three souls received their baptism. Others had visions of the Lord putting golden crowns on the heads of the missionaries.

Little Indian Girls Baptized With the Holy Ghost.

One of the missionaries who was at the head of a native school for girls in Calcutta received her baptism. God carried on her work while she was tarrying. A revival broke out in her school, and the girls began to make restitution. They would come and wake her up in the morning to make things right. As soon as she got her baptism, the power fell in her school; and in a short time 45 were baptized with the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. Some of them were little dark-skinned girls of six or seven years. A fair-haired missionary that came to India to teach the natives visited the school one day and saw how the power was falling, and she knelt down and the little dark hands were laid on her head under the power of God, that she might receive the Holy Ghost

The Lord's Way of Humbling.

Brother Moorhead, who now edits "The Cloud of Witnesses to Pentecost in India," was one who received his Pentecost there. While seeking, he prayed one night that the Lord would humble the proud Europeans. The power came on him, and he was knocked to the floor. After that the power would come on him so many times and throw him on the floor that he said he felt like taking the floor as soon as he would come into the meeting. He was almost afraid to take a seat.

Salvation Army Missions Receive.

Then the matron of the Salvation Army Rescue Home received her baptism and took it into her school to her Bengali rescued widows, and some of them received the Holy Ghost. One of them lay under the power all day long, speaking in tongues and praising God. Then it broke out in an orphanage of the same mission. The work of revival went on, and they confessed and straightened up their lives, and some of them received the baptism.

Pentecost in the Hill Station.

The Lord sent the missionaries back to their work with the power of God on them. Our missionaries, with others, went to Coonoor, the hill station, where many of the missionaries gather together in Summer. There God baptized several of the missionaries and gave them four months of much prayer. There was much opposition to the truth, but many hungry souls that then opposed have since sought the Lord and all received their baptism. The very home from which came so much opposition is this year turned into a tarrying home.


Pentecost has fallen in great power in Panditta Ramabai's work at Mukti, India. Sister Ramabai had written to the Pentecostal missionaries when they first went to India, asking them to come and preach this truth in her school if, the Lord led, sending them the money to come on. But before any came to Mukti, there were about 400 girls baptized with the Spirit and speaking in tongues. Sometimes as many as 1,000 would be praying at the same time, and the power could only be compared to the roar of Niagara. Some of the native girls spoke in tongues in English, and at least one spoke in ancient Sanscrit, which Sister Ramabai understood. Some were much used in laying on of hands for the healing of the sick. They also had the interpretation of tongues.

The power also fell in Brother Norton’s school of boys, just a few miles from Mukti, where 65 boys were baptized with the Spirit and a number had the interpretation.

In a Baptist mission of India there were two girls that were baptized with the Spirit and spoke in tongues in the Hindustani language, a language to them unknown. They were taken to the market place, where the people all congregate, and preached the Cross of Christ in great power. In Bombay, in a Church of England School, a girl came through speaking in tongues and prophesied.

A Late Report From Bombay.

India has ceased to be a pioneer field as touching Pentecost. Sixty missionaries are baptized and 15 missionary societies have witnesses to Pentecost in 28 stations scattered through Punjab, Bombay Presidency, Bengal and Madras Provinces, the Northwest and Nizams Dominion. The natives of India who have received represent various races, kindreds and tongues. Hallelujah! There are witnesses in the following missions:

Church Missionary Society,
English Baptist Mission,
American Baptist Mission,
The Mukti Mission,
Peniel Mission,
The Open Brethren,
Salvation Army,
Scandinavian Alliance,
Christian and Missionary Alliance,
American Presbyterian,
Women's Foreign Missionary,
Thibetan Mission,
Poona and India Village,
Latter Rain Mission,
Industrial and Evangelical Mission,

There is a very evident deepening in the lives of those that have received. God is bestowing power to prophesy, the sick are healed, demons cast out, and the saints are pressing on for more of God for the adornment of the bride.


At Sunderland, England, where the Pentecost has been falling in such a blessed way, they had a convention this Summer. Some were there from Holland, Italy, Norway, Scotland and Wales. Sister Barratt wrote after she had returned to Norway and published in their Norwegian paper in regard to the convention. She said:

"When I looked over that company of Scotch men and women, with sisters and brothers from Wales, who had been with Evan Roberts, and all from England, I could not but remember what my dear husband so often said, when he looked at the waiting and praying brothers and sisters, and knew what the world--newspapers and all Christians-- said of them, 'But all these cannot be hypnotized, nor false, nor mad.'

"Here were we gathered in an Established Church Vestry, and more talking in tongues, laughter and joyful song have we not heard in Christiania. The one subject was, ‘Jesus glorified through the Holy Spirit’.

A large part of the meetings was spent on our knees, praying, singing, or in silence, praying to God's Lamb whose Blood was so precious in the light of the Spirit, and we experienced that it cleansed us wholly. Many came forward and testified how God had healed them when the Fire fell upon them, and now they are quite strong and well.”

Father Doney was led into the baptism of the Holy Ghost in Canada two years before we received it in Los Angeles. God also revealed to him the soon coming of the Lord. He would rise at 3 o'clock in the morning, so as to get time to pray before going to work in the field, praying for God's work in all lands. Often they heard him speaking in tongues in the field. They did not understand this, but he said that the Holy Ghost took control of his mouth and spoke for Himself. He was greatly interested when he heard of the Pentecost in Los Angeles, and sent money to help publish the Apostolic Faith. He denied himself of comforts to give to the Lord's work. He grew in the power of the Spirit till Jesus took him to Himself.

God is trying to get a people that He can trust to give them His wonderful gifts. Oh, beloved, our Christ wants to pour out in these last days upon all flesh the mighty power of God, so that we can say to the dead, "Arise," and to the leper, "Be clean." This Gospel belongs to us just as much as to the disciples. While we have as yet received none of the gifts in full in this movement, yet we are contending for the faith once delivered unto the saints. God wants us to get to where we believe God and do the works that He ordained we should do. Since Pentecost fell, there has been such power to heal the sick, to cast out devils, power to prophesy and power to speak in tongues and interpret. We are far in advance of where we were in the old lines, and we thank God for it. If Jesus tarries, we will have the old-time faith. Praise His precious name. And when we attain to that, we will have all things common, just as they did. We are holding up the standard till we get to that place.

This blessed baptism of the Holy Ghost so works on the flesh that it leaves a most heavenly look on the face when the spirit takes its flight to be with Jesus. A man in Portland that had been rescued from sin made restitution and received the Holy Ghost, departed this life to be with Christ. The power of God fell in the undertaking parlors. The Holy Spirit sang and spoke as the saints gathered there. The loveliest part was the sweet smile on the face of our brother that had passed away. The Lord touched some hearts, and they were convinced of the power of God through this man's death. In Africa some of our Pentecostal missionaries gave their lives for the Gospel, and Sister Farrow, who returned, told us how that their faces shone with a heavenly light. The natives had never seen anything like it.

In the Apostolic Faith Missions at 215 Locust avenue, San Francisco, 29 Third street, San Jose, and Santa Rosa, Cal. the Lord is pouring out His Spirit in a precious way. Also in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn. The addresses of these last two missions are East Franklin and Fifteenth Avenues, third floor, Minneapolis, and Seventh and Jackson Streets, third floor, St. Paul. Minneapolis and St. Paul missions have a blessed little paper, called ‘Pentecost in the Twin Cities’.

May all the precious Pentecostal missions keep low at the feet of our Master. Some have lost that blessed melting power of the Spirit, and that perfect love and unity. Why? Because that gentle Dove, the Holy Spirit, has been grieved. God has so wonderfully blest us by giving us this light, let us walk in all the light and not compromise this Gospel or get in the way of the Holy Ghost. If we do not appreciate it and give God the glory, He will come unto us quickly and remove the candlestick out of his place. He will give it to the heathen or to a people that will appreciate it.

The Disciples were not only sanctified, but had received the Holy Ghost in a measure before Pentecost, because Jesus breathed on them and said, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost." We know they must have been sanctified, because the Spirit only follows the Blood. The heart must be clean before the Spirit can possess His temple and endue with power from on high. It is not the work of the Spirit to burn up inherited sin and carnality. The Holy Ghost is not our Savior. But it is the Blood of Jesus that cleanses from all sin. The Disciples were cleansed from sin and sitting waiting when the Holy Ghost came as a rushing, mighty wind. Pentecost is not to make us holy. We must be holy through the Blood before we can enter the Holy of Holies, which represents the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

While this Gospel is free, yet the Spirit of God will tell those that have money to put it freely into helping pay expenses. If they shut up their hearts, they grow lean in their souls.

The Lord does not want us to think we have to wait a long time for the Holy Ghost, (for the Day of Pentecost is fully come.) Hallelujah! The very second you can reach up by faith and touch heaven’s batteries, the Lord will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire.

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A few months ago we started from Chicago to Portland. Three days before we left we did not know we were coming, but we sold everything and started, and now we know that the Lord led us. My wife had been an invalid for three years, and the doctors had said she would have to have an operation. I met one of the doctors on the street one day, and he said there was no hope for her at all, and the only thing that would cure her was an operation. I told him she would not be operated on at all, and he said, "That is foolishness, for there is no way she could ever be cured." She was hardly able to walk two blocks or to do any of her work.

After we got to Portland, wife went to the mission a couple of times on the street cars, and I forbade her going any more. Of course, the devil put that into me. She said, all right, if I did not want her to go, she would not go.

One Sunday morning she coaxed me to go, and I finally gave in and went with her to the mission that night. Sister Crawford preached, and I never heard her entreat people that wanted to be healed to be prayed for as she did then. I did not have faith at all, but I turned to my wife and said, in a scornful way, "Well, if they will heal you, I will believe it." She replied that she was not good enough to be healed. But I said, "They say sinners can be healed." My wife then spoke to my mother and called Sister Crawford to pray for her. And while she was praying for her she received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. She had never sought for it. I just sat there in amazement. I knew, though I was an unbeliever, that God had done something for her. She jumped around and talked in tongues for about an hour and interpreted. I knew she could not do that of herself.

I got so convicted while she was talking in tongues that I broke down and could not keep my seat. I started to cry, and could not help it, and rose up from my seat and said that I had accepted Christ, and would serve Him the rest of my days.

When we started home, my wife said she wanted to walk home. It was about two miles, and she walked home, when before she could not walk two blocks without hurting herself. And after that she was able to work around, and we walked to meetings right along.

Healing of Our Baby.

The Lord convicted me of Unions, and I left a good job. We got very hard up during the time I was out of work, and were short of food. No one knew it. The devil tempted me, and I was offered a job by the Union and accepted it, and was going to take it, but got under conviction and came back home without taking it. I was almost ready to backslide, and my baby was taken sick and lay for five days.

We finally sent for a doctor, and he said she had pneumonia, and both lungs were filled, and he could not give us any hope—that the case had gone too far. He went away, leaving the medicine, and as I sat there it seemed that God spoke to me and showed me that it was my last chance. I had to be willing to suffer anything for Him and take faith for the child, or she would die. She was lying on the bed like death, and did not notice any one.

I grabbed my hat and ran out of the house, not stopping to tell anyone where I was going. I ran down to Brother Bourcey's and did some praying on the way, asking God to forgive me. I asked the brother to come and pray. He said he would, and was just going to the telephone to call another brother, when the brother walked in. I had perfect faith for the child. It must have been God that gave it to me.

When we came in she was lying on my wife's lap, and they read the Bible and prayed, and while they were praying, the baby sat up and asked for her shoes. And 30 minutes after that she was sitting and eating dinner with us. She had not eaten any food before for five days. It was just like being raised from the dead.

The Lord showed me that her sickness was brought on to save me; for if it had not been for that, I would have gone back into the world. It was His way to show me that I could not trifle with God. I took her to meeting the following Sunday and testified to her healing. It is no wonder I serve God when He has done so much for me.

Archie P. Gaylord, Portland, Or. Care of Apostolic Faith Mission.


God lately gave Pentecost to a young Chinese lady in a girl's school in Canton. The head of the school let her have two copies of the "Pentecostal Truths," published at Hong Kong, in the Chinese language. While she had them, she copied all she could of how to receive Pentecost. Her friends and parents were much opposed to her seeking, but she prayed much and had the power of God upon her for eleven days.

One afternoon the school had a holiday for the girls, and a lecture for "Girls' Improvement." This dear girl, whose name is Lam Yik Van, says that she heard a voice say, "Improvement of this world will surely be destroyed, but improvement of the soul will be everlasting," Her experience is told in a letter to a missionary. "I made up my mind to go to my room and pray from 1 p m. till 5. When I did, the whole room shook, and I heard a voice say, 'Go to the rear of the grounds, where you can pray and not be disturbed.' I went, and God gave me a vision of heaven and hell. I ate of the Tree of Life and drank of the Living Water.

"My tongue spoke another language. I was extremely happy. I told our Father that I wanted the baptism of the Holy Ghost, if all the world hated me. And God said, 'Jehovah is with you,' which greatly comforted me.

“Before my baptism God gave me texts from day to day to encourage me and give me strength in prayer. Formerly I sought things of this world, now I'm seeking things from above. Formerly I'd sin and pray and God wouldn't listen to my prayers; but now the voice of my prayers reaches before the throne. Formerly I read words; now I'm seeking promises of God and the teachings of the Bible. I am greatly helped by the power of the Holy Ghost.

"I am renewed and regenerated by the Holy Spirit of God into a living being. Before, though I was called a Christian, I had my affections on riches, fame, and this world; but now I yield my body and soul to God. Forsaking things of this world, I go to pray.

"I send my greetings to all who labor for His name, and who suffer for Him; and I wish all to pray earnestly for me. Tell them to read II Cor. 7:20-22."


You do not need to read a great deal of the Word in order to get a blessing; the Lord can make just a word preach a whole sermon. Throwing myself on the bed so weary one day, I asked the Lord to give me a verse, and He said, "I am the Bread of Life." I feasted for almost an hour on that verse. What is bread? It is that which gives you strength, it is the staff of life. Jesus is all that to me.

While you are about your work, ask God to give you a verse of Scripture, and take the one He gives you. You may say, "I just thought of that." Well, if you just thought of one, then praise Him for letting you think of it. Let Him feed you with it while about your work.

    *     *     *    

Listen to hear and obey the voice of the Lord while about the home. He does not come and tell you to do some great thing at first. He may tell you to go and get on your knees and pray. You perhaps will answer, "I want to wash the dishes first." He may call you to do some simple thing, and you may say, "Oh, I just imagined that." Oh, dear ones, obedience is better than sacrifice. You get down at the altar and say, "I'll go where You want me to go." Next morning He may say, "Go into the closet and pray." If you obey the little touches and suggestions of the Spirit gladly, how He will lead you.

It is the sweetest thing that we all have a place in the vineyard. Some little mother goes about her work praying that God will bless in the financial part of the work, or that He will heal the sick, or bless in some part of the mission field. God honors that member of the body.

    *     *     *    

Some have come to us and said, "My husband will not let me come to meeting. What shall I do?" Pray. God will give you the desire of your heart, if you delight yourself in the Lord. Do not use your tongue and say, "I am going any way." Use it only in prayer. There is nothing in the world that will win over your family and move prejudice like doing the work up nice and straight and living this religion at home. Be clean and neat and get your husband's meals on time. I used to get a big dinner on Sunday, but after my husband got interested in the Pentecostal work he said, "Oh, anything will do for dinner, we will just have a little lunch and go to the mission.”


Pentecost Has Fallen on the Dear Chinese People—Praise God.

About a year ago Pentecost missionaries from North Carolina went to Macao, China, and, as a result of their work, nine Christian Alliance missionaries were baptized and many Christian Chinese—about 100 altogether.

Then the Lord sent Pentecostal missionaries from Los Angeles, who had been in India, over to Hong Kong, China. And He opened the way the same day they arrived for them to hold meetings in a mission church. The meetings continued every night for several weeks. A revival broke out, and the Chinese began making restitution and getting really saved.

The interpreter began to make restitution and straighten up his life from way back. He came one day to the missionaries and told them he was afraid if he took this truth, his wife would leave him. They told him to. "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness," and God would give him his wife. He sought, and was the first man to get his baptism. Then his wife got her baptism. Then their three sons got saved, and their two daughters got their baptism, and other relatives received the truth.

In Hong Kong 25 Were Baptized.

Pentecost fell and 25 were baptized with the Holy Ghost. God baptized a printer and a Chinese scholar. And the Lord laid it on a brother in Macao that they should have a Chinese paper to send into the interior of China to carry this truth. He came over to Hong Kong to get the Chinese Christians to take the matter up. And God laid it on Brother Mock, the Chinese scholar, and the printer. They have never missed an issue. It is published free. They send it to every missionary in China. They are asking for it in the interior of China. In a province in the Northwest of China they received word that the missionaries of the province were seeking their baptism.

One child only 14 years old is blessedly used of God. She gives Scripture messages in the Chinese under the power of the Spirit.

Two sisters came from the South and took the Pentecost to Canton. One missionary received her baptism there and was preaching twice a day on the streets, also in the house to the Chinese. China is a ripe field.

When the missionaries left Hong Kong the Chinese said: "We are all such little lambs, send us some sheep." They hired a launch and the whole crowd saw them off on the boat. The last songs they sang were, "My soul shall overcome by the Blood of the Lamb" and "God be with you.”

A Chinese Brother Writes of the Plague.

"The plague is raging in Hong Kong, but we have the lintel and two side posts of our doors covered with the Blood of the Lamb. Ex. 12:23 As yet none of us have caught the plague, not a single soul, but please look at Deut. 7:15. May the Lord have mercy. The total number of cases of the plague here have been near a thousand, and all fatal, except about 50. Not one of us are a bit afraid. Praise the Lord. Psa. 91:7.”

A company of Chinese saints in Hong Kong were praying in the home of the missionaries when they suddenly got up and ran out of doors and looked at the sky, joyfully praising God. They said they saw the whole sky full of angels.

The saints are expecting soon to have a Faith School in Portland for the children, with teachers that are baptized with the Holy Ghost. It is needful, in order to keep the children saved.

The saints in Portland pay no doctor bills. That is the reason they can support the Gospel and send much missionary money. Then, too, they dress and live so simply in their homes that they can send money to evangelize the world.

If you belong to God, you are walking in the footsteps of Jesus. You cannot set up your opinions and say what you believe and what you do not believe. You must accept the Word. We are going to be judged by the old Book.

"Be ye, therefore, sober and watch unto prayer, for I am coming soon." This was a message given in the unknown tongue. He commands us to watch, for the evil days are upon us.

Jesus has many names. Some of His names in the Old Testament are "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." But His new name is Jesus Christ. Jesus means Savior and Christ means Anointed. He promised to the overcomers that He would write upon them His new name.

The Lord gave some one a vision of two crowns. One was much more beautiful than the other. She asked, "Why has this one so many gems and the other so plain?" The answer was, "Because it is for one that has suffered so much for Jesus.

God wants us to bring our offering to the altar and let it stay there. Some will come down from the cross. Some will not die. But Jesus hung on the cross until He died. If you would be an overcomer, you must bring your gift to the altar, which means your body a living sacrifice, and leave it there, and be faithful unto death

If there is something in your life that hinders God's will, do not say it is too great for God to dispossess it, but say that God is greater than all the enemies in the land, and that He will drive it out. It means much to kill out all the nations and the five kings and to die out to the world, but remember that God stands back of you with His mighty power to enable you to do all that He requires.

In seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost, get your eyes off from every one, off from the false ones that do not seem to live this salvation, look over everybody's head and see only the Christ of God. There is such glory and blessing and honor and power in Him. He is all we want.

When we hear the voice of the Lord and He puts a burden on our hearts, to get more of God we should get in a hurry to receive what the Lord has for us. If you wait, somebody will sow a doubt in your heart, and it may take a month to get rid of that doubt. Some will never receive it because thorns have been sown in their hearts which choke the Word.

Oh, the glory, the love and the power that comes into your heart when the Third person of the Trinity, the Holy Ghost, comes in speaking in a language not understood by yourself. Often God will give you the interpretation, but, if not, just remember God knows what you say, and He will give you the interpretation in His own good time. "He that speaketh in an unknown tongue, speaketh unto God.

Jesus is coming in the clouds for His bride. I Thess. 4:16-17. They are not going through the tribulation, but are going to be caught up in the air to the marriage supper of the Lamb. Just as soon as the bride is ready, Jesus is coming. The Father knows the day that is set. We must hasten to be ready with oil in our vessels with our lamps, which is the Holy Ghost, for if we are not ready, the door will be shut.

The Holy Spirit has come to make His home in the hearts of men and women on earth, in the hearts of those that are saved and sanctified. He has come down to unite our personality with the God of heaven. Oh, beloved, when you get the Holy Ghost in your heart, then your personality is united with God. He can take your tongue, your hand, and any part of your body and use it to His glory.

Jesus promised to the full overcomers that we should reign with Him. We shall reign with Christ a thousand years. Rev. 20:4. We are reigning now in our spirits, but we are going to come back with Christ on white horses, when He shall cast the beast and the false prophet into the lake of fire. We shall be his queen and be married to the King of kings. Then salvation will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. The lion and the bear shall feed together, and nothing shall hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, saith the Lord. Jesus is going to redeem the earth back to God, just as it came from His hand. "For He must reign till He hath put all enemies under His feet.”


At least 200 souls have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in Indianapolis in the past year. Brother G. Haywood, 944 North Bismarck street, tells how he received his baptism:

"That night it snowed and rained and the weather became cold and disagreeable but I was determined, and arrived at the little mission to find a band of saints sitting in groups reading the precious Word. After the sermon, I bowed at the altar determined to settle it once for all time. In about 15 minutes a light shined about me and I fell to the floor, and when I tried to get up found that I was helpless. I could see no one. When I went to speak, my tongue was beyond my control, and I knew that the Comforter had come. Hallelujah—I tried to say, 'What is it?' but could not, for the flow of Latin words which were readily recognized. It was no longer I that spoke, but the Spirit of God that was in me. Suddenly my speech was changed and German words flowed from my lips. I was wonderfully blest.

‘In the meantime my wife and friend had fallen under the power, and my sister, who had knelt at the altar, had also received the promise of the Father. I went to my wife, but could not speak English; however, the Lord let me say, 'Ida, come and go with me.' And she received the baptism and her friend also. We praised and magnified God all the way home. Hallelujah. Jesus still abides and keeps us under His precious Blood. I am sometimes carried away with the rapture of His love. My dear companion is so wonderfully blessed with the Spirit.”

It is a blessed thing to receive the Comforter. Oh, He is such a gentle Dove. When He comes into your heart, He magnifies Jesus. He gives you a new song, and you are united with the choir in heaven, singing, "Worthy is the Lamb."

While you remain poor and little in your own sight, God uses you and exalts you; but when you become some great Nebuchadnezzar, then God turns you out to eat grass like the ox, till you learn to glorify God. Keep little, and God will use you.

A dear sister of Italy went to England and received there the blessed baptism of the Holy Ghost. She is testifying in the power of the Spirit. She did not seek for tongues or wonders, but the Lord baptized her as on the Day of Pentecost.

When you are sanctified, you are spoiled for this world. It pales in your sight. It is Jesus now, morning, noon, and night. He fits into every little niche in your life. Christ has moved in, and now He lives in you.

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